Tuesday, July 8, 2008


A curious response, it would seem, to my latest entry, July 1, 2008, on Iran's privatization, which makes absolutely no sense, as I will show subsequently,


This pretty much ignores everything I've had on my previous blogs and information available everywhere about the role of Iran's militias in Iraq and elsewhere, the privatization party in the GCC, Turkey, the KRG and AKP and the necessary reasons and urgency created for congruency and regime change in Iran.
Since I can't recapitulate everything from my previous blogs and information elsewhere, here is something from 2006 which states some of the most basic and fundamental contradictions, conflicts and problems created by Iran's militias in Iraq, acknowledged by the most reactionary, establishment front grouping, the CFR, and, I might add, if you will notice in the far upper right hand corner, partial funding from Morgan Stanley, (remember, the ubiquitous Morgan Stanley and Iran's First Persia Fund about which I commented previously),


And, of course, 2006 was the year of our policy shift/coup in the form of the November mid-term elections.
From Chossudovsky's article, above, and others, those screaming most that the US is going to bomb Iran, one would think Iran is a victim, an embattled and innocent country, instead of an aggressor, occupier and collaborator with the US Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal, which is how and why we are in this predicament in the first place.
And, it would appear, from the Chossudovsky piece, that the issue is NOT privatization, but, somehow, "equitable" privatization. a kinder, gentler privatization.
The narrative is upside down, topsy-turvy, missing in the essential factors and ingredients.

As for Basra, mentioned in the CFR article, above, and its significance, here's the latest about something called the Basra Investment Authority,


I can't understand Arabic, unfortunately.
So, I have no idea what they are saying beyond the English caption.
But, the Basra Investment Authority is a British-Iraq, i.e. Iran collaboration.
And, here's more on this subject,


But, the many, numerous internal problems, contradictions, conflicts, perpetual destabilization created by dissolving the Iraqi state and the Baath Party and Iran's involvement are simply all those and more stated by the 2006 CFR analysis, above, and much/most of the information on my blogs, including the current, major KRG/AKP/Turkey upset, the Iraq oil law, revenue sharing, financial distributions, provincial elections, Iranian/Kurdish militias, etc.
So far, I have yet to see anyone from the fake Left support Turkey's opposition to its privatizing, pseudo-Islamic AKP front grouping.
As usual, instead, they are being left to hang for themselves, in favor of the fascist, privatizing, KRG/AKP and Talabani.

And, I might add, as well, while everybody has recently discovered Hunt Oil in Kurdistan, what about Heritage Oil and the Eagle Group of Iraq?
And their private Turkish partners, as well?
And a whole list of others.
Very selective expose, to say the least.

The latest on the KRG's privatizing crusade, again, about which NOTHING critical is being said,


And, how about the potentially explosive secret oil deals in Iraq,


Furthermore, Ahmadimidget, Iran's millionaire Mullahs and their fascist militias can make all the noise they want.
Let's remember WHO has and is footing the bills for Iraq's dismemberment and its occupation.
The occupation was outsourced.
Iran's militias are the hired help.
For an expression of this clear power relationship, check out the following, towards the bottom of this blog entry, referring to an Editorial from Al Quds,


Now, if Iran's Revolutionary Guards are so extraordinarily stupid as to CHOOSE confrontation, let themselves get blown away out of existence.

That's just fine with me.I have no problems with that.

Like I've said before, they are the most ungrateful recipient of American taxpayer largess. Fact is, Iran's militias ARE terrorist organizations. They ARE fascist collaborators. They have colluded and collaborated with the US to destroy the Arab, Baath Socialist state of Iraq. They are equally responsible. If they decide to become competitors, rather than partners, they will be blown away. I will shed no crocodile tears. Let the two destroy each other. But, the US is NOT LOOKING to bomb Iran. Just the opposite. However, the US is now forced to mitigate the disastrous results of their collaboration with Iran's militias and the many factors I've cited above. And, this is why I previously said Iranian regime change and congruency is necessary. First, came Sadr's militias. Now, the following, "Ahmadinejad on The Way Out,"


As for Russia and China, however, indeed, they are factors, invisible ones, to most everybody here because of our fake Left. But, Russia is front and center.
So, while on the subject of upside down history and selectivity, a prestigious figure of our fake Left and the Nation magazine, Stephen Cohen, (who is married to the Nation editor, Katrina Vanden Hueval) has just written an article about Russia AND appeared on C-Span to discuss his article on July 7, 2008.
For Cohen's discussion, as usual, simply go to the C-Span website and look under the box entitled, "Recent Programs," continue to scroll down it until you see his name, July 7 and the word Russia in it.
The program is approximately one hour.


And, for a direct link to Cohen's article,


And for the latest on Russia's internal, ongoing counter-revolution and "our" Western, privatizing oligarchs, here's Helmer's latest piece,


So, McCain speaks truth.

Since everybody here and abroad, for the most part, has been and is busy collaborating to rewrite history regarding the USSR, and, subsequently, Iraq, to expand privatization, constrict rather than support and preserve economic nationalization, you/we all become more and more deeply intertwined, existentially, with an ever more great privatized, global economic "system."

We/you, the majority of the world's population, are all prisoners of this expanded system of "investment and profit," by definition.
Your jobs, your money, your pensions, your health care, your education, your transportation, your energy, your housing, you name it.
And, you can thank just about everybody, including yourselves, for deepening this dependency.
You have made your choices and now you will have to live with the consequences and results of them.

Consequently, you can count on the next 100 years war of intensified imperialist rivalries, military warfare, class war and contradiction to keep the system afloat.

Welcome back to the world of WWI.

Of course, out of the ashes of WWI came the Bolshevik Revolution.

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