Monday, March 22, 2010


When the Berlin Wall fell and the USSR collapsed, it was an "HISTORIC MOMENT" said THEY who collaborated and celebrated their victory jubilantly. (*see footnote below*)
In reality, it was a CATASTROPHE and a FUNERAL!

Immediately thereafter, another HISTORIC MOMENT occurred.
Senior Bush #1, and his/their INTERNATIONAL coalition BOMBED, attacked and invaded Iraq.
A liberation.
In reality, it was a CATASTROPHE and a FUNERAL!

When the US and NATO BOMBED Yugoslavia, the first time a European country was bombed since WWII and AFTER the fall of the USSR, it was another HISTORIC MOMENT.
Some celebrated "Freedom, democracy."
Others knew it as a CATASTROPHE and a FUNERAL.

Unser Fuhrer Obooma's s-election, campaign and inauguration was celebrated as an "HISTORIC MOMENT" by the SAME people as those above.
In reality, a CATASTROPHE and a FUNERAL.

And, now, we have another HISTORIC MOMENT in the displaced Eurasian NAZI Citigroup/Exxon/Morgan Oboomanation Alice-in-Wonderland Through the Looking Glass Darkly Homeland Dictatorship.
I was treated to a spectacle of NAZIS ON PARADE on TV for the entire weekend!!
Medical, health care STOCKS are jubilant with their new found liberation and freedom!
They celebrate it by going UP, UP and AWAY!
Euphoria! Eureka!
Another bonanza, taxpayer subsidy and gift for THEM, like their corporate financial and energy friends above and Obooma's masters.

But, you may have noticed I missed another chronological "HISTORIC MOMENT" after the collapse of the USSR and the fall of the Berlin Wall.
So, let's backtrack slightly.
While our domestic NAZIS were ON PARADE on TV over this weekend in our obscene, collaborative Homeland Dictatorship, SIMULTANEOUSLY, the following developments occurring concurrently in that other place recently liberated.
Liberated, that is, as in ALL the above:

But, as in the above Iraq liberation case, do not celebrate yet.
Our obscene HISTORIC medical care and private corporate subsidy legislation may still go down in flames, where it belongs.
Congressional Republican opposition on technicalities continues and promised legal, Supreme Court challenges.
It is a monstrosity and SHOULD go down.
Since we have NO principled class opposition here, then, let it be at the hands of partisan politics, posturing, the courts and/or the legal system.
Medicare for ALL!
And, only one solution exists for everybody else as well.
And, I'm afraid the road to that solution here and abroad will come only over the dead bodies, corpses and defunct organization of our NAZI labor leadership and their collaborative institutional policies.

**As a further footnote on the followup, repercussions and consequences of USSR liberation and dissolution, as usual, go to:

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