Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I repeat a post I did on this subject below.

Insanity and denial, as I define it, CONTINUES, persists.

Tsunami derives from JAPANESE.

Japanese history happens to RECORD tsunamis, earthquakes of enormous dimensions, every few years or so.

Some of the most devastating on historical record.

It is NOT a new phenomena.

Nonetheless, nuclear plants were built there, oblivious to such overwhelming natural forces, to satisfy insatiable, ever expansive, PRIVATE INVESTOR demands.

Of course, prior to this event, tsunamis of enormous magnitude occurred BUT without nuclear power plants and we recently had our Gulf of Mexico PETROLEUM GUSHER disaster.
By sheer luck our BP GUSHER got plugged, but, not without lasting and major damage.

Had they NOT been able to plug our BP Gulf gusher, or, it went on for many months longer, our global oceans and lands by them would now be a dead, chemical sea of sludge affecting fresh water, as well, since evaporation supplies our fresh water sources.

Furthermore, it remains questionable if our BP Gulf petroleum gusher can be considered "permanent," since underground force and plate tectonics make everything subject to catastrophe such as that witnessed in Japan.
But, promotion of PRIVATE investment and its concomitant global expansion continues "ever onwards, upwards and forward, brave Christian soldiers of the World," including their newest speculative bubble, the Middle East.
So, I, too, watch with horrified impotency BOTH ASPECTS of these events unfolding, a present humanitarian disaster AND INSANITY bringing all this about, as yet, still, NOT challenged in PRINCIPLE.
Our scientific community WELL AWARE of these potent problems, hazards, dangers, NEVER speaks PUBLICLY AGAINST this lunacy, madness, BECAUSE they, too, are, like our labor unions, PART AND PARCEL OF IT.
They have paid careers.

So, they research, study, etc. BUT NEVER, in an organized way challenge, bite, the economic hand that feeds them, lest they lose their funding, career, jobs, status.


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