Monday, July 1, 2019


In recent post/s, just below, I link to reports regarding GREECE, IRAQ, EXXON investments.

Since NOBLE ENERGY, again, in news these days related to above, I recap to at least one SIGNIFICANT, amongst other, previous posts I did regarding NOBLE ENERGY, ISRAEL, and an Israel SHESHINSKI COMMITTEE.

So, first, CURRENT link below, numerous other sources available, about CYPRUS and NOBLE energy.

Second link a REVEALING, CANDID, REFRESHING, REMINDER from MY earlier post regarding NOBLE ENERGY and ISRAEL.

So, first:


In addition, gratis, below, another GREEK privatization scheme related to above, another cog, proverbial nail in a coffin, in an ongoing GLOBAL, reactionary, asset stripping, EXPROPRIATION, EXPLOITATION, plunder, degradation, RECIDIVIST Corporate Crimes Against Humanity, Murder, Inc., PRIVATIZATION scheme:

As an obligatory footnote, postscript, I want, or, feel compelled, to THANK, recognize, reporters, journalists, GLOBAL media outlets TRYING to report REAL, pertinent, information, NEWS, developments, events, such as that represented above, including defunct former TDN, English language, Turkish Daily News, so aptly defining the AKP as the Party "whose passion is to sell State Enterprises!"
What more could I possibly add to such a succinct definition, statement, declaration!!

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