Friday, September 20, 2019


Below another LNG development in that which is ongoing for some time now, to which I refer repeatedly on ALL my posts.

Maybe, IF OUR/ALL energy and electrical delivery systems and INDUSTRY, COLLECTIVELY, GLOBALLY, were NATIONALIZED YOU/WE WOULD EXERCISE CONTROL OVER WHAT HAPPENS instead of marching around talking about climate change by more, another, different, or, same, PRIVATELY OWNED, TAXPAYER SUBSIDIZED, "green" revolution company/ies such as solar, wind, energy, batteries, along with continued privately owned delivery system/s. 

NO "green" energy source/s, as those named above, possibly can sustain 24/7 present day humongous electrical CONSUMPTION, including INDUSTRIAL production.

We all experience this WHEN a localized SYSTEM/GRID goes down for whatever reason/s, brown or black outs, for example, summer in many places HERE when A/C (air conditioning) consumption becomes ENORMOUS, draining electricity away from the grid, especially in NEW BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED WITH WINDOWS THAT CAN NOT OPEN!! 
Or, almost year round HIGH a/c demands, dependency, in Southern climates.
Centralized a/c!!
Forget fans, fresh air, etc.
Without a/c, all would die!!

By the way, NOT too long ago, RECENTLY, same people above/below were talking about fictional PEAK OIL.
Scarcity, THEN!!

Of course, around all this, I repeat ad infinitum, are many other economic aspects, like, for example, "petrodollar" investments, or, money/dollar go round, energy/fuel income invested into PRIVATELY OWNED financial corporations, shipping, transportation, military hardware, and, so on.

Speaking of electronics, maybe the internet, computers, iphones, will save us all??
Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, chips, electronics, apps, google, f-ckbook, and so on.
"Intellectual property??"
Amazing concept, isn't it??

Or, more consumptive consumerism like, for example, Walmart, Amazon.

More suburban homes, more luxury apartments, real estate development, highways...
The beat goes on and on...

Oh, yeah, don't forget, at least HERE, in good ole US of A, LABOR UNIONS INVEST, PARTNERED, with their workers pension funds in ALL above and below, not to mention PRIVATE health care.

So, enjoy yourselves...
(For those of you unfamiliar, perhaps, with my above reference, "As the World Turns," it was a very popular TV DAILY SOAP OPERA program some years ago...)

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