Thursday, January 30, 2020


An incredible, audacious, hypocrisy, duplicity, of PARTISAN POLITICS, CHARADE, PARADE, THEATRE, SPECTACLE, exists in US CONGRESSIONAL CIRCLES, NOW, going WAY beyond my expectations.

Truly jaw dropping, mind boggling, numbing, exposing ALL US scum for what it is/they are.

ALL these people live on another planet!!

Below a SAMPLE, 2 links, regarding China and US Congressional hypocrisy, involvement, occurring virtually simultaneous while SAME idiots, morons, blab about "foreign involvement" in US s-elections, impeachment machinations, etc.

I have NO interest supporting CHINA, or, any PRIVATE CAPITAL expansion, but, BELOW clearly being another example of COVERT, FRONT, SEPARATIST, MOVEMENTS, OPERATIONS, like NED, ILO, CIA, MIDEAST, Afghanistan, former USSR, you name it.

Many more reports available about this, but, I chose  2 links randomly below.


Since our FAKE, or, Loyal, Opposition sees fit to intervene EVERYWHERE on the globe "supporting democracy," i.e., PRIVATIZATION, I recommend those ELSEWHERE, OUTSIDE, CONCOCT a U.S. SEPARATIST MOVEMENT, easily manufactured, as elsewhere, and SUPPORT IT/THEM!!

As for current news about "disease," viruses, I will/can not add much since TOO many real possibilities, causation, factors, exist.

Would have to know ALOT more than I can possibly research, myself.
I am NOT expert in a very complicated area.

But, one should consider ALL REAL, reasonable, possibilities regarding disease, outbreak, pandemics, cause, transmission.

For example, in RECENT past years a virtual pandemic, proliferation, of BEDBUGS infests the U.S., particularly in urban, dense, settings.

It was quite shocking to many completely unfamiliar with these nasty little critters, since bedbugs mostly ERADICATED throughout the U.S. by the end of WWII.

Fortunately, bedbugs have NUISANCE value but not life threatening disease, altho, a FEW exceptions to any rule always exist.

Why did it happen NOW, SUDDENLY, seemingly, out of the blue??

Many people speculated INTENSIFIED international travel since WWII exists so that bedbugs, well known hitchhikers, easily could be brought into the country from elsewhere on the globe.
Definitely possible.

ADDITIONALLY, however, perhaps, more important, they could come thru VOLUMINOUS container shipping from China.

This seems TO ME a very plausible scenario.
Indeed, it has been recommended that NEW items with material that CAN be washed, be washed BEFORE using after opening packaging.

I could not help but be reminded of "Dark Age," European Black Plague which ALSO came thru ships, transportation, trade, from/to/with China/Asia  transported by RATS, also hitchhikers!

Disease, epidemic, is a 2 way street and while indigenous peoples in U.S. died from European diseases, it went the other way round, also, especially in tropical climates.

This has not changed, altho, causation, remedy, response, being different and generally better understood than before.
Self-flagellation, fortunately, NO longer recommended NOW!!

So, I have NO idea IF this most recent viral China pandemic is hyped, where, why, how, it initially originated, introduced, its transmission, etc.

I do now, for sure, MANY more people GLOBALLY are DYING RIGHT NOW from consequences of poverty, disease, illness, war, malnutrition, homelessness, climate change, ALL ECONOMIC imperatives, results, of prolific SYSTEMIC MURDER, INC., which, also MAY be A, THE, contributing, cause of a most recent China pandemic. 

I can not go further into disease, pandemics, myself, for that fills multiple libraries and lots of expertise.

Just a few glaring examples, reminders.

I think many people MIGHT recall another great FLU PANDEMIC, outbreak, of 1917-18, also coinciding with WWI and the battlefields of Europe.

Again, volumes related to this subject matter, link below being just a thumbnail reminder:

Finally, 2 links I mention above regarding China, separatism, Congressional hypocrisy:

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