Monday, February 24, 2020


Something very odd to ME about what is being labelled Coronavirus spreading from China.

In the US, at least, as far as I know, thru any PUBLIC media outlet, NO professional medical or scientific analysis, hypothesis, information, about such a seemingly sudden and catastrophic outbreak, epidemic, possible origins, causes, transmission, etiology, etc., discussed, analyzed, debated, disputed.

Plenty of scare photos, tactics, statements, quarantines, drastic action, etc., BUT, NONE of  above.
This seems VERY STRANGE to me.
Very, very, odd, indeed.

It IS well known among anyone with some medical background that mutant viruses do exist, resistant viruses, etc.
However, the fact that NO REAL PUBLIC, PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION, discussion, debate, explanation/s exist for such an unusual phenomena is to ME notable in and of itself.

Plenty of HYPE, photos, draconian measures, as I indicate, above.

A medical friend speculates to me it was INTRODUCED intentionally, manufactured.
Of course, this only is speculation since NO means exist to analyze facts, information, etiology, pathology, and so on.

No discussion can ensue, contradict, confirm, one way or another, just PASSIVELY observe draconian measures visually displayed, reported by media outlets.
No agency involved.

Face masks, by the way, do NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, for protection, totally useless.

So, I can't help but wondering, speculating, watching as various repercussions ripple down the road and dominate headlines.

However, it DOES remind me of an earlier AIDS virus, epidemic, pandemic, hysteria which utilized potent toxic drugs supposedly for cure, or, possible cure.

ONE notable PHYSICIAN and research scientist who COURAGEOUSLY contradicted ALL official versions, explanations, was Dr. Duesberg, to whom I link below.

HIS explanation made the MOST sense to ME, but, he suffered professionally and economically as a consequence.

So, keeping above in mind, I want to acknowledge and recognize Dr. Duesberg and consider above.
Duesberg's official website below:

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