Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Against the backdrop of Unser Vacuous Obooma Fuhrer blathering empty rhetoric and nonsense about our epic, gargantuan, Biblical BP Atlantic Gulf crude oil gusher on our TV screens, I could NOT resist posting the following item regarding Northern IRAQ, Kurdistan's KRG.

Precious, isn't it?
Northern Iraq's oil pipeline is, on a regular basis, bombed and destroyed, repeatedly, umpteen number of times now, just like most of Iraq.
And, of course, Iraq's "Oil Ministry," to which the article refers, I assume, indicates IRANIAN Baghdad Oil Minister, Iran's Mullah Sistani's son-in-law, SHAHRISTANI, an extension of NAZI Iran's present government which "they" are working hard to isolate, sanction, overthrow and SUPPLANT.
Does it get any better than the above and below juxtaposed together?
Here is a short enticing excerpt from the brief report following:

"...Khalilzad has been nominated to the DNO board by RAK Petroleum, an independent but politically connected firm based in the United Arab Emirates with Emirati and Saudi shareholders, which owns 30 percent of DNO. Khalilzad is an RAK board member.




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