Thursday, June 17, 2010


First, a brief note regarding Kyrgyzstan.

Anytime one hears "ethnic violence" a red flag pops up meaning premeditated covert operations.

My question always motive, purpose?

Besides himself, BELOW, who else profits from prearranged carnage.

Whose or which other economic, political PURPOSES does he/it serve and WHY NOW?


Apparently, Kyrgyzstan's Osh is an Afghan opium transit point.

And, a referendum is/was to be held shortly for another code, buzz word, "Democratic" Kyrgyz Constitutional change.
So, here are a few possible players and underlying motivations from which to begin:




Meanwhile, as indicted in my many previous posts, BP's crude oil catastrophe torpedoes NAZI Obooma's entire Administration.
They are drowning in a sea of toxic crude.
A $20 Billion BP created escrow account represents a TOKEN drop in an oily ocean.
I heard the escrow referred to as a sludge account, or, perhaps, in MY terms, slush account or political payout fund, a token PR gesture.

Since creating this entirely new, nominally independent, quasi governmental agency, bureau, department, Czar, it FURTHER muddies already toxic filled waters and our so-called "public/private" umbilical cord partnership, as in all our NAZI Citigroup/Exxon/Morgan Obooma Dictatorship dealings.
It complicates, rather than clarifies and simplifies, an already intertwined, internecine, undecipherable, amorphous, indistinguishable "public and private" conjugal marriage.
It does NOT solve the/our immediate problem.
It is UNCLEAR how precisely BP's supposed escrow account will be administered, adjudicated, monies allocated, funds distributed, claims processed, payments, procedures, etc.

Nor does it prohibit or preclude further litigation, liabilities, appeals, etc.
It adds onto a much larger, greater, LEADERLESS, UNCOORDINATED, INCOMPETENT, RUDDERLESS entanglement and mess, more layers of confounding confusion, overlapping, questionable conflicting and competing authority.

Apparently, adding insult to injury, inflaming political wounds and embarrassment, a European BP Board Chairman utilized a phrase about how "BP cares about the small people," referring to victims, petite bourgeoisie, in US Gulf Coast States whose lives and incomes are destroyed by this event, never mind ecology.
Well, great offense and umbrage shown by his demeaning, derogatory descriptive slip of the tongue.

I was reminded of a famous quote from Leona Helmsley, wife of a NYC real estate mogul, who once said,
"Only the little people pay taxes."
Leona Helmsley's truism and gaffe did not command national and international attention, as in BP's case.

For those unfamiliar with the infamous Helmsleys, here's a snippet FOR THEM:


Of course, BP EUROPE Board Chairman and Leona Helmsley both spoke truth.

Although, rarely, if ever, do I indulge in cultural history, I thought I would make one exception, in this case, and SPECULATE alittle on the symbolism of Mr. EUROPE BP Board Chairman Freudian slip of the tongue, aside from it's comical aspects.
I wade into these waters, like the toxic Gulf, with great trepidation, since I am well aware of the many pitfalls and landmines generated from simplified, sweeping historical generalizations and broad social, cultural characterizations.
But, here goes.
BP Europe Board Chairman characterizes a different Gestalt, history, frame of reference.

Class in Europe and much of the "Old" world, unlike here, exists as facts of life, given, an acknowledged reality, like air, water, etc.

Royalty, aristocracy, lineage, descendants, the "upper crust" and then the rest, the little people, serfs, peons, working class, untermenschen are facts of Old World Eurasian life.

Over many centuries, a long history of economic and SOCIAL class delineation developed, institutionalized, codified with its attendant pomp, circumstance and ceremony, social trappings, accoutrement's, etc.

Here, the ILLUSORY MYTH of a classless society permeates and pervades because the same long, ingrained institutionally rigid, codified, distinct, well defined economic AND social status did not organically evolve, comingle and co-exist together.

More class fluidity and diversity exists on A SOCIAL LEVEL here by virtue of US origin, background, circumstance.
Economic class is not SOCIALLY as delineated, sharp, clear, defined as elsewhere, due to legions of global immigrants, westward expansion (lebensraum), emancipated former slaves AND only 200 OR SO odd years of independence and nationhood NOT predicated on long traditions of entrenched state, feudal aristocracy, empire, religious and military hierarchy, bureaucracy, etc.
And, so, US perceptions of class are PERCEIVED, identified more as SUBJECTIVE SOCIAL ones on a slippery slope against a backdrop of clear, determined, self identified and determined, OBJECTIVE property relationships.

The edifice of the Horatio Alger myth builds upon this uniquely American fantasy.

Of course, for every one individual here who moves or moved economically from lower to upper class in the CLASSICAL sense of the term, there are/were millions who died or remain stuck where they are.

Nonetheless, notions of "egalitarianism" permeate based on fuzzy class thinking, subjective perception, confounding, collapsing and interchanging objective economic, property determinants into subjective, self-identified social and cultural categories.
I think MR. EUROPE BP Board Chair's inadvertent, but true, description and its reaction here is but one instance which profoundly reflects and illustrates this broader underlying Gestalt.
Illuminating references, research papers, books, thoughts are welcome in the comment section below to help flesh out my hypothesis.
Nothing pops up to mind immediately and I do not wish to spend more of my time on this matter beyond a few cursory remarks.
It's a dense subject and NOT the substance of my posts.
An aside.
A footnote.

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