Saturday, August 3, 2019


The only question I can NOT answer--that above.

Tactically, strategically, I can NOT decide, figure out, for myself, which timing being best, correct.

A NATIONAL (IN)SECURITY WARFARE, EMERGENCY, STATE installed with corresponding militarization, extreme, drastic, economic measures, police state, as opposed to covert, i.e., love me I'm liberal Friendly Fascism Dictatorship, which THEY have installed most everywhere on the globe.

What else to be done?? 
THEY have NO answers!!

The Middle East, along with related hot spots on the globe, continues escalating, destined to blow up in EVERYONE'S face, with competing and conflicting PRIVATE interests, energy, gas, oil, pipelines, HOSTILE occupations, annexation, KRG, KIRKUK, SYRIA, LIBYA, IRAQ, TURKEY, IRAN, ISRAEL, RUSSIA, US, EUROPE, CHINA, and on.

Below just TWO ongoing aspects of above.


THANKS to HELMER's English language report on issue below, i.e., Mideast refugees, since the English language Turkish Daily News, so aptly describing their pseudo Islamic "AKP whose passion is to sell state enterprises," became defunct for OBVIOUS reason.

I can/do NOT usually mention HORRIFIC details of refugees ANYWHERE BECAUSE altho I AM very much aware, I can NOT add specifics, details, more than anyone else since I am NOT on the ground.

However, I HAVE spoken to a few voluntary Turkish refugees, expats, exiles, HERE, about THIS, THEIR, situation and were provided HORRIFIC DETAILS.
Everyone twice, thrice, victimized, pawns, like the US.
BOTH refugees AND the local populations.

Here illegal immigrants provide CHEAP labor with NEITHER NAZI PARTY PROSECUTING PRIVATE CONTRACTORS, NOR, of course, OUR NAZI  corporations, thugs, drug, paramilitary death squads, who THEY/WE employ to RAPE, PLUNDER, ASSET STRIP, same countries, fleeing Murder, Inc.

Turkey PAID OFF to contain this/their situation, and, of course, for geographic reason, these immigrants can NOT FLOOD the US, North or South America, China, Asia, Africa, etc.

Nobody HERE bothers inquiring WHY it is these Mideast refugees can NOT go to NAZI OCCUPIED IRAN, Israel, and/or, other countries in the region.

What is the answer?

A rhetorical question on MY part, but, a good one for the brainwashed morons, idiots and crappy Establishment media and their multiplicity of front groups, covert ops, think tanks, etc.

But, a la Jonathan Swift and the Irish question, I have a proposition, solution, for our refugee question everywhere.
How about sending OUR (and/or Mideast) manufactured illegal immigrants, refugees, ON TRAINS AND/OR BOAT up to CANADA??
Let's see what happens??


After all, it is/was US TAXPAYERS footing the bill for THEIR private ENTERPRISE to rape, plunder, asset strip, DESTROY, EXPLOIT, so, ALL have SHARED RESPONSIBILITY in this/their SORDID PRIVATE commercial enterprise.

So, I add link, below, for ABOVE reason/s and use it to extrapolate further into other areas of the globe suffering from similar MAN MADE catastrophe/s:

OUR/THEIR economic system DEAD!!
Finished, kaput!!

Interest rates here CLOSE to zero.
Not quite, altho, imbecile Trump pressing Federal Reserve to LOWER rates MORE.
Astronomical Debt ceiling a Bipartisan effort.
Our economic and political system has been BANKRUPT for a long, long, time--over 100 years, on life support systems, resuscitated, comatose, zombies, vampires, parasites, piranhas.

Desperate times call for desperate solutions.

Our TWIN NAZI PARTIES, Republic-rat Trump AND FAKE Democ-rat Opposition being too preoccupied with weapons of mass distraction, deflection, diversion, duplicity, hypocrisy, tabloid media, sensationalism, finger pointing, spread all around.

In order to counteract this inevitable consequence, radical measures necessary, like that named at the beginning.

For ANYTHING else to happen our FAKE Opposition MUST confess THEIR complicity, collaboration, mea culpa, AND, present REAL ALTERNATIVES, confrontation, with PRIVATE NAZI CAPITAL AND OUR LABOR UNIONS for radical transformation.
A united front against Fascism.
But, NONE named above, all hired help, nor, anyone else for that matter, to do that.
It's like asking a proverbial zebra to change its stripes or pigs to fly.
So, any other alternatives??
I see NONE.
Collectively, NO answer exists except further mudslinging, insults, lies, political theatre, posturing, grandstanding, character assassination, sensationalism, tabloid media, weapons of mass distraction, until reaching "state of national emergency."

So, as promised for each and every post:

As postscript, addendum, just update, add to, that which Seldes described so well below.
SELF-PUBLISHED then, as now.
Hope and change!:

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