Saturday, March 28, 2020


I thought to introduce this post with an editorial commentary, clip, from a superb movie, MARAT/SADE, featuring Glenda Jackson, outstanding in my book:

On urban streets NOW one sees HOMELESS wandering around, still, sleeping wherever they can.
Clearly, they did not get ESTABLISHMENT message, guidelines that they, ALL, are obliged to remain indoors or be arrested. 
Obviously, homeless don't count as a public health menace, like a mysterious virus.
Poverty NOT a public health issue statistically, economically.
We do NOT count deaths, illness, related to POVERTY.
War not a crisis, either.
Climate change, overshadowed by mysterious virus.
The drumbeat, hypocrisy, scripted theatrics, rolls on and on, amplified over and over.

LOTS OF REPETITIVE NOISE everywhere, everyone following dutifully their historical roles.
A surreal crime scene unfolds before my eyes in real time with participants completely oblivious to THEIR role/s in this drama.
Just extras on THEIR movie set, an economic TITANIC with a medical subtext.

I am watching this real, as opposed to virtual, movie, tragedy, unfold in slow motion, but, unlike a fictional movie, I do KNOW where the plot is going.

However, I can do NOTHING about it, personally, except a few posts.

I can not change course, direction, single handed, since I am NOT Captain of a systemic, economic, Titanic, impending disaster, implosion, which WILL, if not already, come as SHOCK AND AWE, to most everyone and I do NOT have behind me POWER, an ORGANIZED MOVEMENT, OPPOSITION PARTY, LABOR UNITY.

Otherwise, I can assure everyone reading this, I would be DEAD and not from a medical virus.

A few different, but, related, subtext issues exist.

WHERE, HOW, did this sudden virus emanate, emerge?
Was/is this a manufactured virus??
How deeply is/was China involved, either by design or unintentional?
How is/was it disseminated, whether or not manufactured?
Why does it appear simultaneously all over the globe?
Too many timing coincidences.

Then, there's NAZI IBM/MICROSOFT previously in China, THEIR recent U.S. D.O.D. (Defense Dept) contract and BIOTECH consortium, a GROWTH INDUSTRY RELATED TO A/I, engineering, expansion of PRIVATELY OWNED social control networks, cable, delivery systems, stupid phones, and, related commercial hardware, software, all of which, including education, SUBSIDIZED BY U.S. TAXPAYER DOLLARS to PRIVATE CORPORATIONS.

Above excuse for implementation, courtesy of U.S. Stimulus monies and a medical virus, for much of that outlined on link, website, below.
Stimulus monies will offset, subsidize, PRIVATE Corporations for COSTLY, expensive, HARDWARE necessary to deliver commercial software thus insuring their PROFITABILITY:

Related to above, THIS, below, which I highlighted in another, different, earlier article from China:

Above being real, UNanswered, questions, overshadowed, like all else, by orchestrated hysteria providing daily death figures IMPLYING notion everyone, YOU, me, vulnerable, so, BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID!

They do not provide daily figures for a few billion people dying everyday, close to death, starvation, displacement, refugees, prisoners, from global war, poverty, related medical issues, etc., BECAUSE, obviously, these people are NOT YOU, so, they don't count!

They are invisible, like our disease.

Questions about virus origin, dissemination, all suppositions at this point since NO independent investigation, confirmation, documents, interviews, possible at the moment.

Our medical experts simply reaffirm the obvious, statistics, general public health advice, but, NOT issues above.

A cacophony of "Authorities," being ONLY source of information currently.

WHY so many, large, gaping, deficiencies in our FOR PROFIT U.S. medical system??

States squawking loudest about their PRIVATE medical systems inability to cope with emergencies are/were bankrupted giving tax breaks to just about every major corporation under the sun along with luxury real estate speculators.

From lack of elementary, basic, medical supply items like gloves, masks, gowns, syringes, ALL of which, once upon a time, were RECYCLED, sterilized, USED AGAIN, made from cloth, rubber, and/or, steel, glass--NOT MILLIONS/BILLIONS of PLASTIC, LATEX, THROWAWAY, ITEMS to much more, much too much to discuss in a post.

Books should, could, be written on subject matter above.
But, of course, these issues will NOT be explored, explained.

Just panic, hysteria, instead.

Expanding further medical "crisis" subtext.

I post, below, for those who MAY NOT have seen/heard it, just one of Trump's daily coronavirus committee briefings BECAUSE it illustrates nicely HOW this crisis presented and serves THEIR purposes.

By their, I mean entire PRIVATE, economic-political, FASCIST corporate, umbrella, program, with THEIR medical crisis being subtext, pretext, excuse, NOT by accident, but, design.

Trump constantly refers to virus as a "silent, hidden, invisible, enemy, war," AND employs MILITARY resources to supplement deficiencies in PRIVATIZED civilian medical system.

Reoccurring theme, "ALL united in this war."

This really represents a reincarnated version of "national socialism," NAZI program, presented as HUMANITARIAN FASCISM.

Indeed, federal task force, agency, already being established, in process, to reconstitute a "national service" system for young people to REGISTER, NOT calling it a military draft, but, encompassing military service both for men and women.
Hitler Youth.

Now, all this, in many ways, would be fine, EXCEPT, it is part and parcel of "public-PRIVATE" partnership MAINTAINING AND ADVANCING PRIVATE CAPITAL and its profitability, RATHER THAN NATIONALIZING OUR INDUSTRIES!

So, link below to one of Trump's daily briefings--rather long.
IF you wish, listen only to Trump, then, later, again, IF you wish, others afterwards, following him, or, sure to listen to Trump illuminating nicely what I say above:

Now, below another example regarding the obvious ramifications of their VOODOO NAZI economic program:

So, contrast above with MY suggestions, program, below.

NATIONALIZE U.S. MONEY SUPPLY, ELIMINATE PRIVATELY OWNED FEDERAL RESERVE, without question, first and foremost, then, rearrange productive, economic, systemic, deck chairs.



By the way, IF I had or were to advocate SHUTTING DOWN, CONSERVING, RATIONALIZING, SUPERFLUOUS USE OF ENERGY, like electricity, in places like Times Square, NYC, CONSUMPTIVE CONSUMERISM, staggered work shifts, REAL conservation, resource rationing, limits, less air traffic, less AUTO traffic, and, so on, as NOW is happening, I would have been told I'm crazy.

It is American to CONSUME, conspicuous, consumptive, consumerism, to keep THEIR profit system flowing.
Scarcity of resources NOT on THEIR agenda.

Ironically, ALL are receiving a green revolution right now in front of your noses, but, for wrong reason!
That being actually, inadvertently, an upside to all this!!:

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