I decided to post a few earlier entries, beginning with first one immediately below.
As I said in THAT post, I KNEW something was coming, SOON, but, could not figure out its timing AND provocation.
It seemed logical before 2020 Presidential s-election, of course, but, still, I could not be sure.
I did NOT anticipate THIS particular FORM of provocation, medical EMERGENCY.
My error.
Should have noted propaganda surrounding China, virus, etc.
However, I DID note the following:
Further back to another/other of numerous BIG LIE/S and a very critical, crucial, collaboration:
And, for insurance, direct link (embedded above) to:
With embedded links, entries, from MY earlier blog/s going back to 2005 below, but, as usual, other links mysteriously disappearing after publication, entry below.
It was 2005 which prompted me to begin "publishing" BECAUSE, as I say in my entry, then, at that time, NO SUPPOSED OPPOSITION publication, media outlet, organization, was interested in material I submitted.
So, an acquaintance whom I barely knew at that time recommended I post, blog, on my own, which, with alittle bit of technical assistance from he and others, I do, did, continue!:
So, further backwards to 1951, again, since I linked to a WWII post war nuke hysteria video in my last entry, to help give alittle historical background, context:
Above events being JUST after passage of 1947 NSA (NATIONAL SECURITY ACT), and, corresponding Taft-Hartley (anti)Labor Law, which changed everything forever.
Complete draft of We Charge Genocide available on line if you search for it.
Also, of course, NSA AND TAFT HARTLEY Acts.
Following shortly in 1953 another MOMENTOUS U.S. BUT GLOBAL event occurs.
ROSENBERG "spy" accusation Trial, which BEGAN in 1951, ending in 1953.
I did NOT do an extensive search for links related to this subject matter because it JUST is TOO vast, enormous, overwhelming.
So, for those who KNOW NOTHING, begin research for yourselves starting with very brief news clipping, link below.
Others with the least bit of historial memory, knowledge, know a great deal more:

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg in 1951
Above, below, represents the INEXORABLE LOGIC OF PROFIT!
Pathological, psychotic, insane, barbaric, MURDER, INC.
In conclusion, Ginsburg's poem, commentary, from 1956, THEN and NOW, mine, as well:
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