Monday, June 2, 2008


First, an addendum to a previous blog in which I highlighted the sale/privatization of Turkey's major, state, petrochemical firm, Petkim, the sale being arranged and financed, partially, by Akbank.
Akbank, in turn, co-owned by Turkey's Sabanci family and Citigroup, as well as an association with Iran's Parian.
Saudi Prince Talal, of course, being Citigroup's largest, single, private investor.
In addition, I forgot to mention another important factor related to the above.
Sabanci's major, US petrochemical partner is the multinational conglomerate of I.E.Dupont. Presumably, everyone on the globe should be familiar with the name Dupont, just like Rockefeller.
Rockefeller, Dupont. Sabanci.
One big, happy family.

Meanwhile, on the Nabucco, Dana Gas versus Gazprom war front,
"Future of Gas Discussed at Turkey's Istanbul Conference."
Following is why Kirkuk independence will NOT happen now and the PKK, who are presently being bombed, will be squelched and why Syria will, indeed, decouple from Iran, leaving Iran isolated, and ultimately Iran's present regime will either disappear and/or morph, shift policies, to be in alignment with all of the above/following:

In addition, Syria's Assad is visiting with the UAE this week and Assad has just indicated his support for the Doha agreement regarding Lebanon.
Further, France and Dana Gas are partners in Egypt:

And, of course, France and Lebanon, along with the US and Saudi Arabia, whose vast interests together need no further explain.

Following along similar lines, Iran's Rafsanjani to visit Saudi Arabia in line with an article from my previous blog, May 30, entitled Arab League Seeks Lebanon Style Solution for Iraq:

A regional "deal," indeed, is in the making, as Layla has so accurately forecast, BUT, Iran's Islamic, proxy militias will NOT be part of it UNLESS they fold up their tents, acquiesce and melt into the rest of the vast political background or they will be annihilated.

And McCain will be the next US President, probably, by a wide margin, that is, a wide relative to the small percentage, roughly 40% or so, of eligible voters in the US who bother to vote anymore.
The Presidential winner actually represents approximately 20% or less of the eligible US voting population.

And, following is just alittle snippet of SOME of the many reasons why Obama is going to look like a piece of stale swiss cheese, SHORTLY, assuming they ramrod his name through the nomination process.
This JUST appeared not on any radical mouthpiece, but, CNN, regarding Obama and the corrupt Chicago political machine from which he emanates:

Hillary, most likely, would have won, which is why Obama was needed, instead, an ersatz candidate, a straw man, in which RACE became THE central factor.
Unexpectedly, however, Hillary and her supporters will not obligingly fall on their swords, as expected, as they are supposed to do.
They just aren't going along with the game plan.
This entire primary situation was unexpected.
Hillary is in it for real, for power, for the Presidency.
She's on a personal "mission" and really believes she can "make a difference."
In addition, according to those whom I've heard narrating some of the sleaze tactics used at the loaded caucuses in caucus states, those folks ain't gonna vote for Obama.
No way. No how. Not to mention Florida and Michigan.

In contrast to the debased, debauched depravity represented above, I'll end on one brief historical and musical note.
Alittle context in which to compare and contrast the preceding and now.
A reasonably nice documentary recently aired on PBS about folklorist Peter Seeger's life and career.
(I'll link to it at the end).
It was not intended as a "balanced," scholarly, account, warts and flaws included, but, instead, more of an homage to Seeger's vast musical influence and life.
It is/was refreshing to see some footage and background of the historical context which influenced both Seeger and Paul Robeson, another equally forgotten EXTRAORDINARY musical and political name.

Re-experiencing the quantitative and qualitative difference between Paul Robeson and Pete Seeger's intellects, musicology, performances, the depth of their lives, experiences and background, and contrasting it/them to the noise and shallowness of what calls itself popular culture now, the commodified, commercial, loud, cookie cutter version, and the equally debased and debauched Fascist politics, truly illuminates the difference and tragedy between what was then and what is now.
This "transformation" is coming to the rest of the globe.
Is this what you want?
If not, better do something about it, NOW.

Here's a clip from youtube with MANY MORE available from the documentary:

And a short review:

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