Thursday, June 26, 2008


Somehow, somewhere, a spontaneous national campaign has emerged to seize the opportunity to confront all our elected representatives and other officials whenever they appear on C-Span to ask them the simple, mother of all, questions, "WHY ARE WE/THEY NOT NATIONALIZING OUR OIL/ENERGY, HEALTH CARE AND OTHER BASIC INDUSTRIES?" Why do we not publicly own what is collectively all ours? For the US, this is a spectacular development and whomever is responsible and however this is happening, keep it up!! This is certainly far to the Left of any of our "independent" third parties, including Nader and most certainly the Greens. This time, it was Democratic Representative Jim Cooper from Tennessee on C-Span, June 25, 2008 discussing the "Alternative Minimum Tax" proposal in the Budget Committee, of which he is a member. The very first telephone question he took was about the above...phrased appropriately around issues of economic and moral accountability, justice, responsibility and causation. Once again, I invite everyone to listen to the taped video of this program on the C-Span website. Look for the box at the bottom of the C-Span homepage, "Recent Programs" and scroll down it until you see his name, Rep. Jim Cooper, June 25, 2008, Alternative Minimum Tax. The FIRST telephone call on the above subject was from a gentleman from Detroit, Michigan. It begins at minute number 5, approximately, on the video. Cooper's response was laughable. Only a couple of dismissive sentences. He suggested that nationalization was "tried" in different countries, isn't efficient and didn't/doesn't work!! Simple!! That's it. Subject finished. Curiously, the ONLY country Cooper mentioned by name was Mexico. And, guess what, Mr. Cooper, on the that very subject? "Confrontation Over Mexican Oil Privatization Intensifies," On health care, Cooper contradicted himself but didn't even realize what he was doing. Of course, understanding the MAZE of differing health care delivery systems in the US is another story. There is NOT one, but, MANY. It's unique in the world. You need to be Einstein to decipher it and work through the labyrinth of alphabet soup medical insurance providers, a quagmire of partially government funded programs combined with mostly private, for profit, insurers. The government program is the poor stepchild which is always threatened by the private insurers by dint of economic strangulation. If you aren't familiar with the "system," don't bother trying to understand what's being said. So, here's C-Span's website if you wish to access the above video,

Further on that profound relationship of morality, economics, justice, accountability, responsibility and nationalization the caller raised.

The following is what the face of what Iraq's militias look like. Does it not sound, smell, taste and look similar to Nazi atrocity stories and tactics from WWII? This is the composition of Iraq's new government. These are the various Iraqi/Iranian "militias" that both our fake Left have sanitized as "resistance" and/or, our corporate media and FOREIGN sources, as well, have sanitized as the legitimate Iraqi government and/or Iraq population,

And, why does all this happen? What is the motivation? Profit. All of them serve the same masters and interests. From the Nazis down to Iran's militias in Iraq.

While the hired guns this historical time around, Iran's Fascist militias, thugs, goons, death squads, sectarian militias do their dirty work, above, here's the people they help realize their goals in Iran, "On the Road with Teheran's Nouveaux Riche,"

Of course, there are others, about which I've written much, in the GCC, the US, Europe, Russia, Asia and so on.

Surely, NOT all people are equal.

In the US, the equally fictitious Presidential candidates, one of the staunch supporters of the Obama mafia is the utterly corrupt, mafioso SEIU and their "Change to Win" international labor organization. No coincidence that Obama's amorphous "Change" slogan is the same as SEIU and its autocratic leadership, Andy Stern.

For alittle inkling of just what's involved with SEIU and the battles against its leadership, I will provide a video link with a smorgasbord from which you can chose all with 'SEIU" in the titles. Keep in mind, when you see CNA in the heading, that's the Calif Nurses Association, the ONLY union that supported Ralph Nader in the past AND is organizing nationwide for a SINGLE PAYER health care system in the US.

The SEIU, "Change to Win,"international leadership is in battles with both its own members, the CNA, and others as you will see from the various headings on the videos.

Our Democratic Presidential "Change" candidate stinks to high heaven, as well as all of the above.

So, every time you see torture, like the above, just remember, it's all in the service of expanding and reinforcing the vast empire of the "high net worth" individuals, as they are euphemistically labelled, i.e., the stinking rich. They do stink, as one can easily see, in this high stakes morality play. And, finally, coming full circle, a little reminder,

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