Friday, July 18, 2008


First of all , NOTHING is settled, despite all rushed, frenetic political and diplomatic shuttling throughout the Middle East.
(Reminds me of Kissinger in previous times).
What is happening is a gigantic and hasty reshuffling of the chest board in the face of unpleasant (to them) unexpected, unanticipated, unplanned developments.
Issue #1.
First and foremost.
Developments in Turkey.
I will, simply, once again, highlight just alittle of what is happening, the outcome of which is profoundly threatening and "catastrophic," (for them), "Former US Envoy Sees 'Possibility' of Deal in Turkish Crisis,"

Turkey's current, pseudo-Islamic, Fascist, reactionary, privatizing, NOW threatened, AKP government, whom the fake Left everywhere cannot find, is busily and hastily interceding, suddenly, attempting to also broker a "deal" between Iran and the US over Iran and Russia's ostensible nuke issue.
Between the ubiquitous Citigroup and Turkey's Akbank and a host of others facilitating Turkey's privatization, destruction of the Turkish state, one can add too it, now, the internationally well known and well connected, Carlyle Group, which received lots of ill repute, once upon a time, but has fallen off the publicity map when it comes to the darling of the West, Turkey's AKP government,

Additionally, I've highlighted the following article because it mentions, specifically, US and European labor pension fund investment--the dominant reason why NO Left exists in the US, but, instead, our collective, Fascist, collaborative, privatizing, labor unions.
"Investors Rush to Emerging Markets," in which you will find a long list of familiar names I have used in previous entries,

As long as the marriage between private capital and labor pension fund investment exists, NO American and/or international Left and NO opposition exists, except a fake one.
This is the basic, fundamental, elementary tenet and contradictory relationship of assured mutual dependency and assured mutual destruction.
How and when this reactionary, pathological, sick, self-destructive labor union pattern was institutionalized in the US goes back to the anti-Communist period of the 1950s, McCarthy Congressional witch-hunts, establishment of the NSA of 1947 and its corresponding NAZI, i.e., National Security State/apparatus, Cold War, political purges of trade union leadership, mafia union leadership penetration, etc.
I suppose one might characterize the above in the business vernacular, as a "hostile takeover."
In turn, these collaborative unions are in a suicidal marriage with their other fake opposition, the Democratic Party, as I have shown many times over.
Together, they function as twins in a political opposition in the same way my thumb can be categorized as in opposition to my other fingers.
Issue #2.
Russia and Gazprom.
Gazprom just signed an M.O.U with Iran and the Georgia-Abkhazia battle continues, with negotiations about the Georgia/Abkhazia confrontation being mediated by Germany at the moment.
Everybody is suddenly declaring they desire a "peaceful" solution.
Both geographic areas, Georgia and Iran are directly related to Russia's export of gas.
In my previous post, below, I made mention of the possibilities of trading off one for the other, Georgia/Abkhazia for Russia's support vis-a-vis Iran. Again, these are all POSSIBILITIES, elaborate negotiations, in flux, pieces on a moving chessboard.
I'm still dubious about the reality of the Iran/Gazprom deal, however.
IF Rice can claim that she/the US attempted to reach an agreement, came to the table and negotiated in good faith, as requested, and Iran's present regime remains recalcitrant, obstinate and does NOT comply with UN demands, then, Iran becomes further internationally isolated and ostracized.
For one among many other articles available on the internet on the above subject, "Russia's Energy Drive..."

Issue #3.
Iraq's unsettled, potentially explosive and confrontational, provincial elections, Kirkuk status, competing and conflicting oil contracts, revenue sharing, etc.
All, as yet, undecided.
A ticking time bomb waiting to happen.
So, the US will DEFINITELY NOT be leaving Iraq, nor the region, nor anywhere, militarily, anytime soon, not in the near, foreseeable or anytime in the distant future.
Just the opposite.
They are already and will continue enhancing their military presence, regionally, as well as in the Strait of Hormuz and the Arab Gulf.
( I can't help remembering when there was a Soviet Union and there were NO gas "wars." Gas was simply a reliable, relatively inexpensive, nationalized commodity. Simple).
As I've repeated on previous blogs, NO diplomatic solution exists to all of these and many more I have not mentioned conundrums, cul-de-sac, contradictions, competing and conflicting economic interests, resistance and blow back to policies of occupation, torture, displacement, dislocation, blackmail, extortion, imprisonment and privatization, etc.
So, when, for example, Layla says, "Mission Accomplished...For Now," she is more than correct.
More appropriately, I would say, mission NOT yet "Accomplished.
The "mission" is far from accomplished.
It has just started.
It has barely begun.
Iraq was the opening salvo,

And, to add to her blog, above, the following, "How Cheap is Iraqi Blood?"

They neglected in the article to mention Iran's occupying militias and the Kurdish Peshmerga, as well.

But, to further answer the question, above.

Arab blood is as cheap as THEIR privatizing mission, above, necessitates. Nothing is too much or too good for expanding and maintaining our billionaire's club, our high net worth individuals, private expropriation, profitability and inexhaustible, unquenchable GREED.
Get it straight.
Iraqi Arabs (and others as the case may be) are simply the latest in a long list of historical cannon fodder in this eternal quest.
Collateral damage.
Useless eaters.
Peons and peasants.
Disposable and dispensable.

Not all Arab blood is equal, just as everywhere else.

For example, the following, in answer to the above, "Arab Economic Summit to Focus on Investment,"

Pandora's Box has been opened, aided and abetted by the fake Left and a fake opposition, everywhere, utilizing false dichotomies, Big and Little Lies, revisionist history.
And, they continue digging themselves ever deeper and deeper into a black hole of contradictions made by opening Pandora's Box, into a grave, by virtue of positions taken or not taken, as the case may be, at every opportunity where they could halt, turn around, oppose, stop, impede, hinder, ameliorate their own self-destruction and economic dependency.

So, when the big, fat, round, zero Obama mafia sleaze and Fascist union busting, privatizing entourage arrives overseas, they should get an equally vociferous, commensurate warm welcome as that of Bush or Rice.

No difference.
Hopefully, they all will remain overseas and never return.
The world deserves them.

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