Thursday, July 31, 2008


Let's all participate in an exercise together.
Juxtapose the following subject matter.
First, in an all too long list, this one happens to be American/British (so-called international) occupation forces, equally true for Iran's collaborative Nazi militias in Iraq.
And, Peshmergas and others, "Crucified by Freedom,"

Of course, the above barbaric tactics are hardly new, alas.
Aside from WWII, these torture tactics migrated from US sponsored counter-revolutionary, surrogate movements and regimes throughout the globe after WWII, in Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America to a new area, now, the Middle East.
Anybody recall the brutal anti-Communist campaigns and regimes of Indonesia and the Philippines just after WWII when thousands (millions?) of dead and mutilated bodies were discovered floating down rivers, just to name two.
The list goes on.
After reading the above, juxtapose the following, "Captive Nations Week, 2008,"

Hopefully, you did not miss the ominous sounding, hair raising video provided in the preceding link.
In case you did, I'll emphasize it once more,

But, the connections do not end here.
A reminder.
In turn, the above leads one back to the "Victims of Communism," memorial, featured on the above website,

And, it is/was American Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinich, euphemistically dubbed the "Peace Candidate," by the fake Left, here, in the US, who is BOTH a JBANC co-founder AND one of the featured speakers, as you can easily see at their website, at the Victims of Communism memorial ceremony.
This is the same Dennis Kucinich, reputed "Peace Candidate," who is posturing at the moment, coincidentally, near Presidential election time, in the House of Representatives, around Bush-Cheney non-impeachment, impeachment hearings.
So, where are we know?
Well, everybody has heard about Turkey, FINALLY.
But, Turkey's AKP pseudo-Islamic, Fascist agenda is still under threat, including their privatization policies, about which nothing is said, here. One of many articles on the subject,

The Turkish court decision was determined by the narrowest margin, one vote, against a backdrop, curiously, of a terrorist attack that came at exactly the same moment that the above court case was being decided. Extraordinary coincidence in timing, wasn't it?
My response. Turkey's military should go in, perform a coup d'etat, unseat Turkey's Fascist pseudo-Islamic AKP and take back all Turkey's assets that have been privatized.
And, Turkey's military should not stop there.
But, all this may come to pass, anyway, as events unfold further.
Kirkuk remains a ticking time bomb exploding ALREADY and the entire region is headed into further military confrontation and a collision course. Too many sources are available on the internet on these developments, but, for dumb Americans, start with,

A reminder, lest everybody forget why we are there in the first place. Remember Dana Gas, Crescent Oil, etc?
The latest from them,

And, as well, against the backdrop of Layla's piece, above, alittle something to help out our High Net Worth individuals cope with the stress from the above,

Meanwhile, back here, in the most captive of all nations, there is one political party that is growing.
Not the twin Fascist monsters of the Republic-rats.
Instead, Ralph Nader's Independent Presidential campaign.

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