Saturday, August 2, 2008


Everybody's talking about Kirkuk, now.
Of course, most of the real information remains OUTSIDE the commercial and fake Left dialogue.
So far, for example, nobody has answered the previous question I raised a few years back, in 2005, when it first occurred.
Who does the Eagle Group of Iraq represent who, in turn, partnered with Canada's Heritage Oil for rights to explore and develop in Kurdistan?
I speculated then, since I could find NO information about WHO the Eagle Group of Iraq represents, that it is either Barzani and/or Talabani and I dared anyone to prove me incorrect by providing factual, verifiable evidence to the contrary.
So far, nobody, to my knowledge, has proven me wrong.
The magnitude of the stakes involved with the Heritage/Eagle Group of Iraq deal and the future and status of Kirkuk is enormous.
It is an empire, like Dana Gas/Crescent Oil, comparable to the rise of Rockefeller's dynasty in the US in the turn of the last century.
The "speculative bubble" represented by what would be the rise in share prices above would be astronomical .
The company has recently listed its shares for trade on the London Stock Exchange.
One can easily begin to appreciate HOW MUCH fighting has already and is going to occur over who gains control of the Kirkuk region.
And the reasons WHY the fiction of ethnic cleansing has been manufactured, where it never existed before, wholesale relocation, expropriation, torture, blackmail, criminal gangs, Fascist tactics and Nazi militias and executions, etc., are being utilized to disguise this ulterior objective.
And, to the immediate connections in our current Presidential race.
A reminder.
In the following article, to which I've linked, previously, Tony Buckingham replaced Michel Gulbenkian as Chief Executive Officer at Heritage Oil.
And, JP Morgan (Cazenove) has now become one of Heritage's advisors:

And, for the following article on Tony Buckingham and Obama:

Remaining unanswered, I repeat, who is Heritage's partner, the Eagle Group of Iraq?

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