Saturday, May 30, 2009


As usual, John Helmer shines alittle light on a few mysterious, murky, Russian and Austrian names and relationships with the following above/below about Arctic gas and LNG.

First, here's one juicy tidbit from the article as an enticement to read it ALL:

"...CITCO’s website says nothing about its owners, except that the company was “established in 2003 by private investors in Vienna.”...

Although it is easy for me to follow the historical backgrounds and trajectory of NAZI affiliated Western/American financial and corporate interests, it is, of course, impossible to trace a lineage for such newly minted equally NAZI Russian capitalists/oligarch firms, created and financed within the past 20 years with the fall of the Soviet Union with help from the same Western interests.

While present Russian firms and capitalist names do not have long historical trajectories, Gazprom is and was well known AS A SOVIET ENTERPRISE.
And, NO problems existed THEN with gas deliveries, price, pipelines and most certainly NOT war.

But, these current PRIVATE Russian interests are now as much part and parcel and CAUSE of ALL present day problems and global, Eurasian imperialist contradictions and expansion as are any of the other long affiliated NAZI entities, Morgan Stanley, Exxon, Rockefeller, Citigroup, Dupont, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, Shell and so on and on.

Russian oligarchs/capitalists and Gazprom may not sit DIRECTLY at a Bilderberg Conference, for example, but, that does not mean they are excluded.
In many instances, they are represented indirectly, through partnerships, etc.
And, they certainly want a direct seat at the table with their NAZI cohorts and partners. They definitely do NOT desire exclusion.

It is these classic imperial capitalist contradictions that presently recreate the horrors and nightmares of the current geographical chessboard.

I read, for example, Poland's Gdansk remaining dockyard will be dismantled, sold off, privatized and/or downsized.
Polish dock workers are unhappy and protesting.

Well, as I said before, the Polish workers and unions should just contact their AFL-CIA counterpart and tell them they want BOTH their money and port back, along with the Soviet Union.
HOLD THE AFL-CIA ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHAT THEY DO and DO NOT DO, as they continue their role, presently.
The AFL-CIA happily and proudly advertised their previous covert role in Polish Solidarity, subverting and dismantling the Soviet Union.
Without the assistance of the AFL-CIA and others, above, none of you would be where you are at the moment.

To end, befitting the content of this post, two historical references which happened to have appeared simultaneously in chronological order.
First, Germany's Rosa Luxemburg:

And, then, the USSR's Oleg Shenin, whose death is a questionable one to me. They say nothing about cause below. I am sure I will read something further about it elsewhere, soon:

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