Thursday, March 17, 2011


I cannot claim credit for the following
JOHN HELMER article about modern day Russia time pieces, watches, which I thought nicely, entertainingly, amusingly, packaged, illustrated, both metaphorically and visually, GENERAL points I make.

So, simply sit back, enjoy it:


Meanwhile, NAZI IRAN/EU/US Middle East imperialist power struggles, violence, contradictions, sponsored revolutions, continue spiraling upwards as both/all utilize their regional representative surrogates representing leverage and economic interests.
And our own disgusting, nauseating, sickening, useless, clueless, impotent, human garbage can seated figuratively atop United Suckers and Assholes NAZI Citigroup/Exxon/Morgan Dictatorship dung heap and Ship of State fiddles, the world burns around him/them while their/his/our crass media sycophants lend credibility to Obooma's words devoid of ANY coherent meaning, content, context, correlation to reality, indecipherable, embarrassing, inarticulate, anti-intellectual, empty utterances, platitudes, rantings, ramblings.
This Emperor, like the one before him, has no clothes.

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