"And, I'll huff and puff and blow down your European house" said one NAZI piggy wiggy to the other.
Alas, US NAZI piggy wiggies were absent at TODAY's European backslapping, reassuring, meet and greet, video event.
But, US NAZI piggy wiggies are very much represented in spirit, if not in body.
As for those remaining United Suckers and Assholes brain dead, comatose, doormats and their despicable, repulsive FASCIST partnered labor unions, ALL are dead meat, reconciled to a proverbial historical dust bin, dung heap, sinking and stinking along with THEIR collective Titanic Ship of State.
They dug and continue digging their own graves many times over and can rot and go to a NAZI hell they helped manufacture in the first place.
Ending on a theme above, I have a little historical footnote, reminder, regarding different kinds of purgatory.
Probably, many people reading my post are well familiar with a 1919 CLASSIC SILENT German film, "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligary," precursor of all such cinema genres.
A first of its kind.
It holds up well and I can recall with amazement the first time I viewed it.
So, for anyone else perhaps unfamiliar and/or those wishing to view it again, I provide it below.
Both links below are the same film.
But, the first link provides a new and different musical background to the film, which, in this instance, I prefer and think works better than the original in the second link.
Also, English language captioning is SLIGHTLY different between one and the other.
But, since the film is silent, translation is not overly critical:
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