Sunday, October 13, 2019


Answer to above riddle:

When PRIVATELY OWNED, NAZI OCCUPIED, US FEDERAL RESERVE MNUCHIN (Geithner, CITIGROUP, EXXON, MORGAN, continuum) Administration, Treasury Secy, declares FEDERAL RESERVE to purchase $60 BILLION monthly in Treasury Bills NOT to be confounded, confused, with stimulus, QE, TARP, says Mnuchin!

Likewise, for Trump's FAKE China deal, Faustian bargain for CHINA's CITIC traitors, opportunists, and, FORMER USSR countries, wholesale sell out and off!!

Meanwhile, FAKE global Green New Deal Opposition ensures PRIVATELY OWNED RECIDIVIST CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY INTERNATIONAL ENERGY COMPANIES CONTINUE LNG DEVELOPMENT GLOBALLY since, according to Great Fake SPONSORED Socialist Sanders, "we do NOT nationalize industry HERE," or, I might add, ANYWHERE!!

With Opposition like above NO need for friends, enemies, to paraphrase Recidivist NAZI Crimes Against Humanity representatives Albright, Kissinger,

I refer back to CSIS website for latest dose of REALITY since nobody INTENTIONALLY seems to find much of anything on my posts, OPEN SECRETS ALL!!

Then, YOU tell me WHO, WHAT, WHICH, scenario I POSITED, SPECULATED, just alittle earlier on my blog happens next, like, for example, HK and MIDEAST/IRAQ/IRAN NAZI cesspool:

Former US President, WWII General, Eisenhower WARNED about emergence of a US "military-industrial complex."
One SIGNIFICANT word missing from Eisenhower's speech, warning--PRIVATIZED military industrial complex.
Of course, prior to Eisenhower's infamous 1961 speech, warning, 1947 NSA (National Security Act, NAZI STATE APPARATUS) already established ALONG with 1950s Congressional anti-Communist purges, witch hunts, labor unions, blacklisting, etc.

Multiple videos of Eisenhower's speech offered below:

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