Sunday, February 23, 2020


An Arab Holocaust, bloodbath, war refugees, continue pouring out, occurring, as I write and ALL PRIVATE international investors, financial, commercial, parties involved could care less.

Call it terrorism, instead.

Colateral damage, millions of war refugees, displaced peoples, ethnic cleansing, rape, plunder, asset stripping,destruction, BARBARIC, crypto-pseudo RELIGIOUS paramilitaries, mercenaries, FASCIST parasites, opportunists, drug/war lords, involved. 
In the Mideast no LEGAL pretense used, not bothering themselves with a fig leaf of legal niceties  justifying above.

But, in the US, we have widespread, wide scale, dispersement, displacement, ALSO.
ALL of it LEGAL!!

In most/many urban US areas, large/r cities, municipalities, NEW LUXURY housing, developments, PRIVATE condos, commercial properties, receive LOCAL real estate TAX abatement while current residents do NOT thus real estate values become artificially inflated, ANOTHER ASSET BUBBLE, LIKE ALL ELSE, so, current residents are forced to MOVE, LEAVE, since no longer can THEY pay EITHER INFLATED real estate tax OR rent.

Move WHERE??

Old, young, disabled, infirm, working class, retired, you name it.
It's a mass exodus.

Of course, SAME private developers receive virtually free money thanks to Obooma-Trump PRIVATE FED RESERVE money tree SUBSIDY policies, NO/LOW interest rates, QE, STIMULUS, TARP, etc.
So, between NO local taxes and virtually free monies, its a win-win for PRIVATE real estate developers, international financial capital investors, speculators but a loss-loss FOR ALL ELSE paying tax and holding THEIR bag!!
ALL policies above LEGAL in US.
Internal refugees.

And, of course, additionally, NO/LOW employment and/or wages, people working 2-3 jobs to survive, mostly in so-called service industries, since THEY/WE do NOT own our own industries, CONTROL OUR OWN ECONOMIC PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM!!
It's called alienation.

As I have said, the more we/they build, the more HOMELESS, displaced, refugees the US experiences.
These policies true for EVERY PRESIDENT and EVERY PARTY, most certainly NYC, thanks to people like Bloomberg, Trump, and, BEFORE THEM, people like FORMER DEMOCRATIC NYC MAYOR ED KOCH.
A bi-partisan affair.

Furthermore, NOBODY challenges the hypocrisy of someone like BLOOMBERG, or, Trump, on THEIR destruction of appxly one million formerly RENT, then, de-CONTROLLED NYC apartments enabling working class people to LIVE in NYC, not to mention INDUSTRIES which actually existed--NO LONGER.

Former Administration MOST responsible for helping destroy this WWII initiated rent control system in NYC being DEMOCRATIC MAYOR--ED KOCH, who, himself, ironically, lived in a very nice rent controlled apartment in downtown NYC.

He and those following him did a great hatchet job on reasonably priced housing in NYC so it could become a luxury playground for the rich and famous, PRIVATE developers, profiteers, condos, etc.

Additionally, aiding in ALL asset bubbles, like Amazon, a documentary to which I will link shortly, above policies DESTROY truly "small," independent stores, commercial operations, in these urban areas BECAUSE RENTS BECOME ASTRONOMICALLY PROHIBITIVE!!

No longer can SMALL, single person, family owned, independent, commercial operations exist, survive, in such an environment.
Priced out of existence.

Now, I will present in a link BELOW a PBS documentary about Amazon for those PERHAPS somewhat unfamiliar with this story.

It represents the TIP OF A VERY, VERY, DEEP STATE, PLANNED, STRUCTURAL ICEBERG to which I allude ABOVE and in ALL previous posts.
It is by design, not accident, both HERE AND ABROAD.

China's PRIVATIZATION being an intrinsic part of an Amazon story, providing CHEAP, inexpensive labor, sweatshops, GARBAGE, consumptive consumer CRAP, floating back and forth across oceans, ALONG with COMMERCIALIZATION, PRIVATIZATION, OF what initially WAS a government, taxpayer, sponsored INTERNET.

Furthermore, OUR AFL-CIA unions being an intrinsic element in this story, as I indicate over and over on my posts.

Their PENSION monies INVEST in ALL above and below, stock market, along with PRIVATELY NEGOTIATED HEALTH CARE.

I assure you, forget ALL about a potted PLANT CALLED SANDERS in another DEMOCRATIC FRONT OPERATION.

Ignore the entire proceeding, hoopla, until you get to their Convention which will not be til the summer.

It is NOT taxes, BUT, OWNERSHIP which is THE issue.


Trump is happy as can be with Sanders!!
He's laughing heartily.

So, below a PBS report about Amazon to which I refer above.

You will, of course, note certain names which reoccur over and over in ALL my posts, entries, no matter which subject matter:

Put above together with following info on website to which I have linked before regarding education: 

I have not ever even alluded to the extraordinary amounts of NON-ESSENTIAL, EXPENSIVE, SUBSIDIES to an electronic chip industry, their redundant garbage, gadgets, used in a FOR PROFIT US MEDICAL INDUSTRY, for precisely THAT is what the US medical system is: 

This subject, alone, would fill multiple books, volumes, libraries.

Vast resources, WASTE, involved in all this NON-essential PRODUCTIVE production, like that of Amazon, real estate, energy, food that is NOT food, etc.
I do not even know HOW, WHERE, to begin tackling such a comprehensive critique of our medical system to do it justice.

A so-called medical system being an ENORMOUS, vast, bureaucratic, consumer of ALL above, including, NON-RECYCLABLE plastics, trash, waste, electronics, gadgets, products, just about every toxic element under the sun.

For all that, what "consumers," i.e., patients, get being mostly deplorable!!

Many/most of those working in the health care field DO want to do MEDICAL CARE, but, they, themselves, VICTIMS of the SAME SYSTEM, altho, well paid.

Time is money, visits are timed.


So are DRUGS, research.

Tests, equipment, machines.


So called privacy, totally ridiculous, since ALL medical INFORMATION NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE!!

A piece of paper vastly MORE SECURE, simple, easy, NOT remotely as costly as all electronic equipment, computers, intake, errors, labor, energy, time wasted, programming, etc.

On and on...much too vast for me to take on in a post...just hint, that's all.

To conclude:


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