Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Two related, tangential, items.

First, an earlier post to which I link below regarding subject matter/s above:

Alittle more on REAL science for those interested:

I prefer ABOVE, because, as reiterated from preceding earlier post, political, economic, predictability a banal, fruitless, OBVIOUS, sordid, depressing, irrational, endeavor.
Trajectory predetermined.

So, I thought to comment ONLY on one or two among many hundreds, thousands, exemplary developments.

First, a number of sources noted recent change from Turkey's historic Hagia Sophia structure over night, apparently, anointed a MUSLIM/ISLAMIC mosque, instead of church.

NO surprise to ME.

Reason to ME and most everyone in the region, I suspect, being an obvious one.

So, I refer back ONLY to one among hundreds, thousands, EARLIER entries I did regarding Turkey's FASCIST AKP, ("whose passion is to sell State enterprises"), CITIGROUP, IN YOUR FACE, PARTNERSHIP, which, for sure, HERE, and/or elsewhere, nobody bothered noting, condemning, mentioning.
"Elementary, My Dear Watson."

So, ANYONE surprised by Mosque development above??
Reason obscure??
To be encompass entire Middle East...and ALL concerned, AS PROMISED, for reasons stated in MY earlier posts...

Fast forward to, more or less, today as U.S. NAZI ROCKEFELLER CITIGROUP/EXXON/MORGAN/ IBM/MICROSOFT/DEFENSE DEPT CONTINUUM and THEIR GODZILLA MEDICAL PANDEMIC, ECONOMIC VIRUS, international cartel, consortium, FASCIST COUP, continues rolling merrily along, plying their insidious trade.

NO AUTHORITY, at least, HERE, challenges PANDEMIC PREMISE, VERACITY, THOSE NAMED ABOVE, reported so excellently, in detail, on other websites to which I have linked in the past, like, "" in addition to my own.
(See entry below and earlier ones.)

Report below follows from above and most everything else with alot more coming:

For those STILL intellectually, conveniently, challenged by psychotic, delusional, policies of FASCIST GLOBAL MEDICAL COUP, PSEUDO SCIENCE, EUGENICS, PANDEMIC, VIRTUAL REALITY, just ONE link from 2016 recapitulates WHAT IS, WAS, OBVIOUS to ME and anyone who THINKS!!

ALL information on MY posts PUBLIC, OBVIOUS, ADVERTISED, available to ANYONE AND EVERYONE!!:

As READERS may recall, earlier posts quoted a $30 TRILLION stock market loss as THEIR estimated reoccurring magic number, AND, according to premier NAZI ROCKEFELLER MOUTHPIECE, Foreign Affairs, that of China's STATE industries.
Again, see earlier posts.

PRIVATE CAPITAL OWNERSHIP, STOCK MARKET evaluations ALWAYS artificially inflated, in continued, varying, states of free-fall, bankruptcy, an anachronistic SYSTEM, on historical life support with WAR, WAR AND MORE WAR!!

ALL here represent cannon fodder, useless, redundant eaters, extras on THEIR movie set.

The worse yet coming.

This brave new/old Orwellian manufactured artificial, virtual reality of biotech engineering THEY TRY to impose, implement, on YOU, WITH YOUR active and/or passive SUPPORT, ACCEPTANCE, represents ANOTHER ASSET BUBBLE with VOLUNTARY SELF- IMPRISONMENT, SOCIAL DISTANCING, ISOLATION, MASKS, SURVEILLANCE, an OVERT NATIONAL INSECURITY STATE, thanks to YOUR cooperation, PASSIVITY, unemployment, bankruptcy, etc.

Nonetheless, it represents a DESPERATE anachronism, attempt, doomed to extinction, failure, before even being implemented, creating virtual ghettos, chimera, illusions, along with FASCIST s-elections, a JOKE!

Elections are a FARCE, epitomizing SURREALITY, or, the "Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie."
Where is BUNUEL when I/we need him??:

My usual rejoinder with an additional caveat below.

My apologies to Sub-Saharan Africa where ALL PRIVATE GLOBAL imperialist powers NOW plunder, ply THEIR TRADE, rape, asset strip, appropriate natural resources, energy, labor, etc., again, to supply so-called virtual realities, "green energy," for REAL, not brave, new/old world order, and, REAL PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION.

U.S. idiots, AFL-CIA, front groups outstanding in THEIR collaboration, compliance, acceptance, with an overt, outright, LUNATIC, Fascist Coup, FAKE OPPOSITION!!

All too late, once again.
To paraphrase:
"Eat your stupid phones, electronic imprisonment, gadgets, virtual reality, food, housing, medicine, education, etc.!!"
Shelter in place and STAY THERE!
Except, of course, anointed PROTESTS!

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