Sunday, October 4, 2020


I made very small bets, predictions, hypothesis, for quite awhile as to WHAT might become most recent Presidential election October Surprise.

So, I found myself laughing when I heard Trump supposedly tested positive for ubiquitous, all purpose, GODZILLA, MICROSOFT, VIRUS, manufactured pandemic, FASCIST COUP.

Thus, must Trump be ISOLATED, quarantined, for indefinite period of time.

I, like most of everyone else with half a brain remaining, speculated as to PURPOSE of this event.

TIMING everything. 

First day of October, JUST after ridiculous debate spectacle, Congressional STIMULUS monies essential, new Supreme Court Judge and matters related abroad.

ALL PARTIES CONCERNED now have excuses for most anything and everything.

NO more debates.

Too embarrassing for ALL parties concerned.

Stimulus monies to pass Congress.

Trump to continue tweets, says he.

The REAL government conveniently UNAFFECTED--Mnuchin, Treasury, and Pompeo, Secy of State.

NOBODY, independently, gets ANY real information, substantiation, evaluation, verification.

Conflicting reports.

This really is convenient.

I had SPECULATED some time back that Trump could be eliminated, IF NECESSARY, creating even greater, or, continued, States of Emergency.

This thought crossed my mind, but, I  THINK, speculation, it serves the interests of everyone concerned, SYSTEMIC, multipurpose.

Now, towards these ends, I link to an article below from my favorite, ALL PURPOSE, MOTHERLODE, HISTORICAL, NAZI WEBSITE, INSTITUTION, ROCKEFELLER SPONSORED CFR mouthpiece.

This publication to which I linked previously called on China to PRIVATIZE STATE industries.

However, PRIOR to reading link below, I extract LAST PARAGRAPH, representing a well known political axiom, i.e., NEVER WASTE A GOOD (MANUFACTURED) CRISIS!

So, extract from its conclusion, last paragraph, FIRST, link below. MY emphasis in BOLD face, type:

"...Some who talk about recovering from the pandemic cite an appealing goal: a return to normalcy. But that is the wrong target; normal is broken. Rather, the goal should be, as many have put it, to “build back better.” Twelve years ago, the financial crisis offered a rare opportunity to change capitalism, but it was squandered. Now, another crisis has presented another chance for renewal. This time, the world cannot afford to let it go to waste."  


For MY former China reference above:

Just a few quick comments on live or VIRTUAL performance in Theatre of the Absurd, Ridiculous, OBVIOUS, and, varying degrees of NAZI State/s of Emergency/ies.

Next episode, chapter, NAZI Soap Opera, 4th Reich, to be continued.

Last but not least:

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