Literal blow by blow descriptions IN LINK below following Greek events, protests, insurrection, class war, as they/it unfolds.
An unusual, cryptic phenomena, anomaly, described in the link below as "riot police" surrounding other "striking police" lay IN THE PHOTO and LINK FOLLOWING THIS ONE, just below it:
HERE lay an ANSWER TO ABOVE question with MORE info on THEIR website...:In these photos one can see a riot cop with the word ‘AVE…’ written on his helmet, this refers to the Roman salute with raised arm, that Mussolini’s fascists, Hitler’s nazis and neo-nazis adopted as their own salute gesture.

Of course, ALL ELSE chugging along in tandem, simultaneously, from everything else described in my many previous posts, including now a possible Cyprus military confrontation, continued, ongoing, never ending, it seems, NATO horrors under equally occupied, invaded, dismembered, bombed former Yugoslavia coup d'etat, to ever greater Mid East, North Africa, Africa, South Asia NAZI atrocities, nightmares, gas and oil pipeline sabotage, etc.
Too much for a post or person to digest at one sitting.
I decided to add an inspirational afterthought to my entry, apropos of the subject matter.
A VERY FAMOUS scene from Eisenstein's 1925 SILENT CLASSIC FILM, "Battleship Potemkin," which dramatizes a 1905 Russian navy mutiny, Russia's peasant serfs in Odessa, what happens next to them ON TSARIST STEPS, predating, leading and pertaining to Russia's 1917 Revolution, or, "Ten Days That Shook the World":