Sunday, August 9, 2020


I have a few comments to make regarding matters inter-connected above, below.

FIRST, I encourage people to visit website to which I refer numerous times, updated, from time to time:

She makes an eloquent presentation on her website, documenting, researching, explaining, what is REALLY happening, more than I can say for most anyone else.

Alot of work, time, research, energy, goes into organzing those presentations. 

Now, I am happy when ANYONE finds some sort of solace in this situation, but, FOR ME, the SADDEST, MOST significant part, relates mostly to BELOW, and, of course, USSR dissolution, precursor, enabler, of ALL happening.

Despite how THEY characterize it, I do NOT describe this as 4th or any "industrial revolution," rather, a reinvented, modernized, reincarnation of what Fritz Lang depicted so brilliantly in his 1927 Metropolis movie prior to NAZI dictatorship, which, as people MAY recall, happened to be labelled 3rd Reich, which, I suppose this one being 4th not coincidence but continuum and supposed to last 1000 years, I guess!!:

Current A/I, reality, biotech, surveillance, etc., represents NAZI VOODOO, PSEUDO, SCIENCE, FICTION, ARTIFICIAL, as THEY label it, reality, SOCIAL CONTROL, capital abstraction, property rights, raised to the nth degree.

An irony for those who profess objection to slavery, racism, 

THIS REPRESENTS SLAVERY incarnate in a MODERN FORM, MINUS, SO FAR, concentration camps.  You do it FOR THEM, incarcerate YOURSELF!!

REAL production and distribution lay VERY MUCH beneath above abstractions from extractive industries, natural resources, energy, food, shelter, housing, transportation, health care, etc.

The DELIVERY SYSTEMS for ARTIFICIALLY CONSTRUCTED electronic reality, intelligence, imprisonment, STOCK MARKET ASSET BUBBLE, remain ROOTED, OPERATING OVERTIME, exploiting, obtaining, natural and human resources elsewhere, especially, but, not limited to, continent of AFRICA.

Destruction of forests, continents, seas, humanity, happens NOT right in front of YOUR eyes, on your doorstep. Out of sight, out of mind.

Hidden from view, like 1927 Metropolis, above.  

How, why, does, can, this happen with NO organized Opposition, resistance??

So, 3 different reports below first one about same subject above represent MY SIGNIFICANT answer to preceding rhetorical question.

I post this particular subject, report, NOT because of its specifics, but, more or less as representative for ALL PUBLIC employee pension funds, example, of PUBLIC PENSION FUNDS invested in SPECULATIVE, NAZI FLAVORED, PRIVATE CAPITAL STOCK MARKETS, ASSET BUBBLES, MURDER, INC., THE FUNDAMENTAL CONTRADICTION and WHY NOBODY HERE, or, abroad, CONFRONTS, NOTES, CHALLENGES, CHANGES, it. 



This is why U.S. AFL-CIA, AFT (Am Fed of Teachers) being one of its MOST ardent advocates, PROMOTES CLOSURE of public schools, advancing, promoting, VIRTUAL REALITY, A/I, PANDEMIC, in areas controlled by VICHY DEMOCRATS under ruse of virus pandemic, a GROWTH industry in which THEY invest. 

Also, LIMITED, SHRINKING, public monies diverted to THEIR PRIVATE PENSION FUND OBLIGATIONS, rather than elsewhere.  


They do NAZI propagandist and ideologue Grover Norquist's work FOR HIM!!

Their PENSION FUNDS invest in ALL things PRIVATE, above, below, plus, more.

Local, city, state, communities BANKRUPT thanks to their OWN collaborative policies of "public-private" partnerships.

Under VICHY DEMOCRAT administrations PREVIOUS PUBLIC PENSION LOSSES are/were SUBSIDIZED with FEDERAL STIMULUS and TAX MONIES, compensating CORRUPT UNION COLLABORATION FOR their PRIVATE STOCK EXCHANGE LOSSES, investments, sweetheart deals, contracts, payoffs.

Nobody else gets this, despite ECONOMIC DEVASTATION for ALL concerned.

So, our unions do NOT represent CLASS interests, but, ONLY themselves, their OWN existence, BLOCKING principled class opposition, organized resistance, militant actions, preventing, NOT LEADING, a UNITED FRONT AGAINST FASCISM.  

Tools organized labor has at its disposal to STOP, CHANGE, CHALLENGE private capital, NAZI/FASCIST directions INTENTIONALLY NOT UTILIZED, blocked.  COMPROMISED, they COMPROMISE ALL OF US. Economic self-interest, determinism, at work.

Sine qua non.  

Being determines consciousness.

Until THIS CHANGES ALL suffer.

They are a total and complete FAKE, along with ALL else happening, but, reason why explained above/below.

These PUBLIC PENSION FUNDS represent FOR PROFIT BUSINESSES, as do PRIVATE SCHOOLS, which AFT promoted as CHARTER SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES, nominally non-profit educational institutions with many medical facilities, real estate investments, TECH, and on.  So:

But, NOBODY in or outside these institutions wants to CONFRONT, CHALLENGE, CHANGE ORGANIZED LABOR leadership, UNIONS, BECAUSE that represents revolutionary life and death struggles.  They are top down, heavily controlled, mafia type organizations.


An intentional political power VACUUM.

So, for those outside looking in, perhaps, younger, negatively affected, which are MANY, you HAVE to resort to tactics that are OLD, not new.  PRIVATELY OWNED, proliferating, electronic gadgets do NOT free anyone, but, instead imprison you.

Militant ORGANIZATION is the ONLY way, confrontation, challenge, POLICIES AND INSTITUTIONS, LEADERSHIP, DIRECTION, above, below. Noncooperation.

History always being rewritten it is critical to remember CONTEXT during the 60s and 70s precipitating LARGE and MILITANT demonstrations, ACTIONS, organization, developed ONLY because the U.S., more or less, had JUST emerged from WWII, then, subsequently 2 more wars, Korea (called a conflict, not war!) and Vietnam WITH A UNIVERSAL DRAFT SYSTEM in place in the U.S. and many, many, casualties, death, dismemberment, toxic chemicals, poisons, AGENT ORANGE, utilized in battle field, dehumanization, ALSO, USSR still existed, along with OTHER MILITANT Communist global movements, dictatorships, revolutions, abroad, PLUS, ANTI-COMMUNIST purges of 1950s U.S. Congressional McCarthy hearings.

Without above SIMPLIFIED context subsequent developments make NO sense.  

Post U.S. 1950s McCarthy events, REACTION, protests, etc., did NOT arise spontaneously, organically, from nothing, out of the air, abstract ideas.

As for China connection, a number of earlier posts I did, link below. 

I repeat, China MUST choose IF they are to be a Chinese COMMUNIST OR CAPITALIST party.  IF they use STATE funds to FINANCE PRIVATE CAPITAL and expansion abroad, then, they are SAME. NO PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS.  IF they support PRIVATE CAPITAL they become subservient to THOSE INTERESTS. Chinese PRIVATE CAPITAL becomes THEIR AND OUR, along with ALL other international FOR PROFIT NAZI corporations, ENEMIES.

I remind everyone just a WEE bit of history.

In PREVIOUS centuries, China (as well as other places) intentionally was penetrated, compromised, held hostage, by WESTERN OPIUM AND SUGAR trade, TOXIC, POISON, ADDICTIVE PRODUCTS. 

A/I, VIRTUAL REALITY functions same as above, just electronic with microchips, instead. 

Follow backwards links below IF not already familiar with above subject matter:

NO compromise with FASCISM possible--one is NOT alittle bit pregnant nor alittle bit Fascist.  Most of us, globally, have JUST experienced SUDDEN, RADICAL, ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING with DEVASTATING consequences for MOST of the population.  But, it is/was a RIGHT WING, counter-revolutionary, coup. So, anyone telling you it is NOT possible to CONVERT assets from PRIVATE to PUBLIC ownership, investment, expansion, LIES!  From liquidating PRIVATE pension funds and health care, for example, to EXPANDED SOCIAL SECURITY FOR ALL ALONG WITH NATIONALIZED HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS.

Our ENERGY system--ALL OF IT, from GAS/OIL/COAL/ELECTRICITY to solar, wind, etc.  Green Revolutions are NOT a single fuel, but, OWNERSHIP, SYSTEMIC ECONOMIC AND GLOBAL PRODUCTION.

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