Monday, September 21, 2020


Before commenting on Chinese Snake in the Grass, above, FIRST, a few brief remarks about U.S. Civil War, slavery & RR development.

Most current Global, FASCIST/NAZI COUP, counter-revolution, continues unabated, thus, difficult to focus on ONE aspect ONLY from a very long CONTINUUM, process, deplorable, retrograde, work in progress. 

Disinformation runs rampant, stupidity, ignorance, self-interest, FRONT GROUPS, propaganda, brainwashing, collaborators, appeasement, BIG AND LITTLE LIES.

So, a very small retrospective, below, on SOME recent events related to ALL others, including FASCIST ARTIFICAL REALITY, best covered on website to which I link repeatedly:

In land of Dis-united Suckers of Fascism, Vichy Democrat whores, prostitutes, 9/11 comatose Biden FAKE throwaway s-election candidate, along with ALL others, Establishment institutions, COLLECTIVELY, together, concoct a version of former NAZI BROWN SHIRTS, namely, Black Lives Don't Matter,  Black Shirts, replete with agent provocateurs, NSA/CIA drug cartels, hired help, media, into which illicit drug money pours, laundered, invested, "LEGITIMATELY," thru MAJOR international cartels like Citigroup, former CIA conduits like Banco Ambrosiono, BCCI, Nugan Hand, MURDER, INC., to which I link repeatedly in earlier entries

Murder, guns, operate with impunity PREDOMINANTLY in poor neighborhoods KNOWINGLY supplied from STATE AND PRIVATE Fascist predators ABOVE.

PART of police departments corrupted, involved, compromised, threatened, with these criminal operations.

Urban ghettos.

Everyone a victim.

Everybody engages in duplicitous, economic self-serving, deception, diversion, distraction, divide and conquer, an extension of FASCIST manufactured IDENTITY politics.

BLM another FASCIST FRONT IDENTITY scheme sponsored by same NAZI financial interests as those involved with FAKE pandemic, s-elections, named in my and other websites, above.

NO United Front Against Fascism, class politics, possible thanks to THESE combined strategies, partners, and, of course, AFL-CIA labor federation CRIMINAL, GANGSTER, operations.

Labor union gangsters, penetration, goes way back historically, here and abroad, MAFIA connections pre and post WWII in U.S., restored in POST WWII Italy by U.S. NSA/CIA interests helping fight ITALY'S LARGE post WWII Communist party.

For those entirely uninitiated but interested regarding above subject matter, you MIGHT begin by trying 2 SIMPLE U.S. movies.  

First, very famous drama, starring Marlon Brando, FICTIONAL, but, nicely depicting elements named above, "On the Waterfront."

Next, a fabulous DOCUMENTARY about coal mining in Kentucky, "Harlan County, USA." 

A few further comments on subject matter above since past being prologue.

Rockefeller, as usual, was a MAJOR contributor in U.S. 1920s ALCOHOL PROHIBITION movement and subsequent Constitutional amendment, thereby simultaneously helping create a MAJOR crime syndicate, AND, as well, preventing extensive BIOFUEL production for automobiles.

So, just a few, SMALL, irresistible, notes helping set straight an historical RECORD, continued below.

NO version of U.S. CIVIL WAR, LINCOLN, SLAVERY, LAND OWNERSHIP, subsequent economic development, PRIVATE international CAPITAL INVESTMENT, possible, replete, without understanding THE MAJOR role RAILROADS played in Civil War since Lincoln, first and foremost, REPRESENTED Union Pacific transcontinental RR at that time.

SCANDAL surrounding U.S. RR development, Westward expansion, LAND ownership, slavery, indigenous populations, "Indians," industrial investment, agriculture, ALL driving, conflicting, competing, forces behind U.S. Civil War.

So, below, 2 SIMPLE introductory links from which people can explore complex economic matters further:

(Experiencing a few technical glitches in links above/below. Hopefully, ALL work properly.)


For THOSE IN THE MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA I provide JUST FOR YOUR EDIFICATION, "FYI," a dire WARNING, glimpse, sample, into coming attractions playing soon in a theatre near you flowing from above:


Fast forward to present.

I ALWAYS knew Communist China so-called democracy revolution, 1989 Tianamen Square protests, represented another staged, manufactured, global counter-revolution coup, involving U.S. sponsorship, provocations, BUT, I did NOT know cooperating, collaborating, NAMES on OPPOSITE side of this equation.

Who are/were Chinese operatives involved??

So, below, I offer a somewhat belated, but, PARTIAL answer to my own question.

They/he being FORMER RED CHINA'S SNAKE IN THE GRASS WHOSE INTERESTS MUST BE CRUSHED, ELIMINATED, OBLITERATED, extending outwards to COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARY HONG KONG and SHANGHAI PARTNERS abroad, Asia, Middle East, elsewhere (overlapping entries in a few links below):

INDEFINITE FREE MONEY now guaranteed by U.S. PRIVATELY OWNED FEDERAL RESERVE in perpetuity to subsidize newly minted and old RECIDIVIST CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, Fritz Lang's "EMPIRE OF CRIME," MURDER INC., WWI, II and Cold War overlapping NAZI financiers, corporations, THEIR 1947 NSA, institutionalized, codified, NAZI STATE APPARATUS, A/I enterprise, vaccines, biotech, delivery systems.

Too much BACKGROUND exists on so many subject matters above, but, I thought to highlight JUST 2 very easy, SIMPLE, videos presenting a few STATISTICS, realities when taken together in historical order present the situation/s for what it really is/was.

So, view following not complicated presentations, but, again, realities, numbers, speak for themselves:

Last but not least: 

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