Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I thought I would introduce today's post on a sublime rather than ridiculous, preposterous, absurd note.

More from whence the following musical interlude came on the right hand sidebar.

A nice mood change, cocooning, refreshing, reminding and blunting the absurd, insane, ridiculous, SCHIZOPHRENIC atmosphere and policies surrounding me everywhere:


And, then, I will NOT destroy the sublime by showing you the face of a terrifying apparition, monster, ghost, cadaver, risen from the dead, whom I saw on C-Span testifying before Congress the other day.

It was NAZI German General and US Plans Officer Fritz Kraemer's protege and ubiquitous merchant of death, HENRY KISSINGER!

As I have explained in previous posts, I have LONG given up on anything remotely resembling sanity in United Suckers and Assholes NAZI homeland DICTATORSHIP.

WITH MY BLESSINGS and encouragement, the heathen barbarians can and will go down on the sinking, stinking NAZI Titanic Ship of State, surrounded by worldly ferment and perhaps crude oil as well about which they have not a clue or remain in suspended animation, playing with their rosary beads while praying to our Lady of Perpetual Denial.

That is the definition of insanity, is it not?

One repeats stupid, self-destructive behaviour over and over, learning nothing?
So, in that vein, the following.

Against a backdrop of uncontrolled PRIVATELY OWNED BP crude oil pouring into the Atlantic Gulf, where are we now, collectively speaking?


I picked out this one local example NOT because it is an anomaly, but, the opposite.
It is representative.
Although well reported in our May 18 Pennsylvania primary elections, Congressman Joe Sestak defeated 40 plus year incumbent Kennedy Assassination Single Bullet Senator Arlen Specter, in spite of, or, perhaps, because Specter was supported by ALL organized labor AND their Obooma Administration.
But, ALSO, a referendum question was on Philadelphia's ballot completely ignored by the press, media and just about everybody, authorizing Philadelphia to BORROW funds to finance public roads, schools, etc.
A similar question appears periodically on referendum ballots everywhere, not just Philadelphia.
Now, in Philadelphia, the referendum passed by an approximate 2-1 majority.
I am totally and completely sure our unions supported it wholeheartedly.
Nor afterwards.
But, it is CRUCIAL.
Once again, PRIVATE funds are BORROWED by City and/or State governments, of course, at a profit, thus, MORTGAGING, indebting State and/or City governments to private financial institutions AND subsidizing those same PRIVATE financial institutions with taxpayer funds.
Furthermore, these "public" institutions contract out to PRIVATE developers and firms.
And, then, in turn, our State and/or City governments return a wee bit later and say they are bankrupt and have no taxpayer money to finance public institutions due to debt and they must either SELL OFF MORE PUBLIC ASSETS AND/OR cut wages, pensions, jobs, completing a self-defeating, self-destructive, inherently pathological and vicious circle.
Then comes the famous conundrum in this giant ponzi scheme, public funding sources, taxes, etc.
That gets a bit more complex.
But, suffice it to say everybody knows the tax burden everywhere resides disproportionally skewed in favor of TAX SUBSIDIES for ALL PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS, WEALTHY INDIVIDUALS AND CORPORATIONS.
And, then, simply the larger, largest solution, OWNING, NATIONALIZING, APPROPRIATING, SOCIALIZING our vast resources and industries outright. The question of tax funding and dichotomy between private and public becomes moot.
So, that's just ONE EXAMPLE of continued SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, self-defeating, INSANE, SCHIZOPHRENIC behavior from which you can extrapolate further.
Similarly, another ongoing labor battle exists in California between SEIU, a criminal labor front, and NUHW.
SEIU is a bunch of intimidating, threatening mafia thugs masquerading as a union.
An article BELOW entitled "SEIU to Create WWIII to Drive NUHW Out of Hospitals" reports on California's intensifying labor turf battle.
The publication below, however, as you can see at a glance from other articles and subject matter, perpetuates similar delusional SCHIZOPHRENIC denial regarding DEMOCRATIC PARTY and labor policies as those I report above and labor's Pension Fund Investments in my previous posts.
Furthermore, STILL, ABSOLUTELY NO recognition, acknowledgment, SOLIDARITY and SUPPORT for the CRITICAL, fundamental, momentous, heroic Greek/European labor struggle out of ANY ORGANIZED, INSTITUTIONAL mouths HERE, except, of course, individuals such as myself:


Considering events in the Atlantic Gulf, it should be noted, additionally, SEIU was the most vociferous in our PREVIOUS Presidential election campaign AGAINST Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin.
EVERYBODY STILL refuses to DISCUSS WHY Sarah Palin was elected overwhelming in Alaska and the SUBSTANTIAL, complex energy ISSUES involved, her negotiations with major energy corporations, Exxon, Transcanada, etc.
She has YET to be interviewed as to DETAILS of what happened.
So, the SCHIZOPHRENIC, insane, destructive beat goes on and on with no end in sight except ultimate systemic collapse, implosion, mass annihilation, destruction, extinction, through short-sighted, self-serving man made GREED and/or natural disaster and/or a combination of both.


The more NAZI plans fall apart, like an unanticipated, militant Greek opposition, resistance (another Greek General Strike planned for June 5) and our Atlantic Gulf BP crude oil fiasco, the more desperate becomes our international NAZI cartel and the urgency for an immediate, quick, resolution to remaining troublesome hot spots on the globe.
They can't procrastinate much longer.
Money and time is running short.
They need to COMPLETE THE FINANCIAL CIRCLE, speculative bubble, income flow generated from those "emerging markets" in order to prop up their defunct, decaying, barbaric, irrational system.

War and escalating militarism ALWAYS become the final, last, desperate solution for DESPOTISM and ROYALTY at home and abroad.

Anyway, our NAZI Iran/Iraq regime change scenario gains momentum. The pace quickens.
Reports exist leaked or planted just about everywhere regarding covert, military "special operations" throughout the Middle East, etc.:


Meanwhile Turkey's military openly bombs Northern Iraq, Kurdistan.
And, Israel militarily active, at least, for the moment, through Kurdistan.
And, more US National Guard State troops planned for Iraq.
Plus, covertly funded political operations to destabilize Iran,
NAZI Iran's nuke issue being but a PR fig leaf, dance.
No matter what ploy Ahmadimoron and Sistani use in Iran and Iraq, they are finished, which, by definition, means Baghdad Iranian Oil Minister, Sistani-Shahristani.
Done. Kaput.
Their time and usefulness OVER.


So, more fireworks forthcoming.

Also, they have upped the ante in the Korean Peninsula.

Of course, idiots here and elsewhere will NOT defend North Korea, which they SHOULD.

But, leaving that aside for the moment, another clear, obvious fact.

No other country on the planet at the moment exists MILITARILY to lead, assure global counter-revolution like that of the greatest United Suckers and Assholes on the planet.

Germany may be an 800 pound economic gorilla on the European continent, but, since the end of WWII, neither Germany nor any other European country alone can muster sufficient military might to counter resistance and/or opposition everywhere in a coordinated global fashion.

So, ALL rely ultimately upon US military power to defend and project THEIR OWN REACTIONARY ECONOMIC CLASS INTERESTS globally, whether or not they like it.
That simply is a consequence and reality of post WWII life.

Of course, other militaries such as India, China, Russia, for example, exist.
However, they are not placed to project strategic, coordinated power to all points on the globe as can the US presently.
They neither dominate space nor oceans, one important strategic fact.

But, of course, future alliances COULD challenge this equation.

Anyway, for the time being, ALL REACTIONARY NAZI REGIMES depend primarily on US military global projection to protect and assure their REACTIONARY CLASS interests.
After all, this is the only country on the planet that spends more on the military than the remainder of the rest of the world combined!
And, the US military just launched PERHAPS an "experimental" space craft now orbiting the globe whose mission and capabilities remain unknown, something about which I have speculated, myself.
Most believe it a spy craft.
But, that may not be its only purpose.
Like our oceans, the geography immediately surrounding our planet has been PRIVATELY appropriated and now littered with hazardous space junk and become an extension of a military battleground.
Anyway, as a consequence of Greece and ALL happening above and USSR dissolution, the slippery slope of the European map may well change and find themselves divided, once again, into competing and shifting economic, political, military zones, spheres of influence, alliances and power relationships.
Greece MAY find itself outside of the Eurozone and in Club Med, instead, led by France, perhaps.
But, stepping DIRECTLY with LARGE FOOTPRINTS, rather than as previously, through surrogates, into a European, Mesopotamian, and Eurasian quagmire, the US now becomes a PRIMARY, rather than ancillary, actor and TARGET this time around in the NAZI imperialist, reactionary Great Game.
Finally, ending on an artistic reminder from times, events not very long ago:

Hannah Hoch - Cut with the Kitchen Knife Through the First Epoch of the Weimar Beer-Belly Culture, 1919.
The above piece by Hannah Hoch epitomizes the Dada attitude towards war: That it is chaos. That the world has gone mad. That war itself is craziness incarnate destroying humanity.


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