Friday, May 21, 2010


The same day as Greece's General Strike occurred, the event below/above also happened.

Doesn't get any better.

Of course, Greece's PM, Papandreou, need not appeal.

This is the entire raison d'etre of our MidEast escapade, adventure, jolly, incongruous romp in the Mesopotamian sands and deserts.

ALL are dying and financing Dana Gas, Crescent Oil, EFG-Hermes, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase/Stanley, Exxon, Deutsche Bank and other notables and newcomers EXPANSION into "emerging markets" and vice versa, including their new NAZI China corporate partners in Greece, Africa, the Middle East:


And, Papandreou in Beirut BRIEF appeal, cameo appearance, video:


In the US of A our electoral day primary exercise in futility occurred on May 18, two days preceding the Greek General Strike.

Coincidentally or not, on the same day as our electoral primaries, JP Morgan Chase held their annual shareholder meeting in NYC attended by their major institutional investors, including our LABOR PENSION FUNDS, and, they, in turn, wholeheartedly endorsed Single Bullet Arlen Specter for Pennsylvania Democratic Senate nominee on the same day.

Specter lost soundly, since EVERYONE HATES HIM, except, of course, our Fascist led labor unions who love Single Bullet Specter and all things flavored NAZI and Obooma.

Not that it will make much difference in the long run and in our general election between NAZI Tweedledee and Tweedledumber Parties.

But, it will be nice FINALLY to rid ourselves of Specter's mug shot plastered all over the media, as his name connotes, a ghost, remembrance of things past, like the Kennedy Assassination on which Specter built his entire career, only 40 or so years too late.

But, it just tells you WHERE and WITH WHOM ARE OUR TOTALLY FASCIST LABOR UNIONS allied and why, I repeat, NO ORGANIZED class opposition exists in the US of A and will NOT until the above relationship changes.
Flowing from the above, NOT one iota of support, recognition STILL out of the mouths of the world's greatest United Suckers and Assholes organized labor unions for ANY Greek, European opposition, Iraq resistance, and so forth.
Anything which undermines PRIVATE CAPITAL EXPANSION HERE AND ABROAD is NOT supported or recognized by OUR bogus, NAZI led labor front collaborators.
But, an astute reader might ask a very pertinent question.
WHAT, WHO, WHICH events can/will turn around this abysmal, abhorrent, deplorable US situation?
The question is impossible for me to answer.
I am not clairvoyant.
Struggles within organized labor, such as NUHW's SEIU challenge in California, are a PART of the solution.
It's a START.
But, in my personal estimation, it will come ONLY when a combination of outside, external pressures, systemic degradation, anarchy, revolution, war, environmental disaster, becomes too overwhelming, too catastrophic, too much overload to deny and control anymore.
A culmination of ALL factors combined, as in history always.
BUT, I do not see ANY possibility of change generated here SIMPLY, solely, entirely from within.

Finally, my editorial commentary and response to ALL ABOVE, courtesy, once again, of John Helmer's website, whom, I'm glad to see has returned unharmed, so far, at least:



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