Saturday, May 8, 2010


NO. Not exactly.

The NY Times publication of the absurd and ridiculous HEADLINE reads as follows, "American Troops to March in Red Square," in reference to Russia's WWII Victory celebration this coming Sunday.

Might as well be NAZI troops. Actually, someone else to whom I read the above headline suggested the idea. So, I will link to the NY Times a SECOND time so far this year. I am rapidly approaching my upper limit of NY Times articles for the entire year:


Apropos of the above sickening obscenity, I EXCERPTED the following from a John Helmer article. LINK follows excerpt below.

You SHOULD read the ENTIRE piece, of course, since it relates to wholesale sellout, sell off, PRIVATIZATION, of the former USSR and, of course, elsewhere, too, WHAT United Suckers and Assholes ALL support through our collective taxpayer dollars, STATE DEBT, INSOLVENCY, WAR AND BANKRUPTCY:

"...Until 1991, the Soviet shipbuilding industry was a world leader, turning out roughly one warship in three produced globally, and one civil vessel in ten. After the dissolution of the USSR, the Ukraine inherited 11 main shipyards; they had accounted for about 30% of the Soviet production. In addition, there were 7 marine engineering enterprises, 11 companies involved in marine component construction, several smaller plants and docks servicing the fishing sector.

But the Soviet collapse put Ukraine’s shipbuilding into a tailspin of rising costs, dwindling revenues, and almost no Ukrainian naval demand..."


And, then, I thought I would add one more enjoyable visual to the above from Helmer's website:


And, for alittle more news on a former USSR State and one of our CIA covert labor recipients and clients, Solidarity, the latest in Poland's exhaustive State sell out and sell off:


Of course, this is why ALL are in the MIDDLE EAST and Afghanistan, about which I chronicle so exhaustively, and why US and international troops sit thousands of miles away in Mesopotamian sands.

Back in NAZI Occupied United Suckers and Assholes Obooma Dictatorship Homeland our media focuses 24/7 on a Phantom of the Opera terror threat and our Keystone Cops engineers, technicians, and whiz kids attempt to control BP's DEEP oil leak, one mile beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, an open spigot gushing, perhaps, in perpetuity, into our vast oceans.

This really IS a MAN MADE natural disaster, catastrophe of POTENTIAL Biblical proportions.

Perhaps, some of you reading this blog for a while recall my numerous posts about DEEP OIL/GAS versus the BOGUS PEAK OIL theory advanced by energy companies thru auspices of various front groups and individuals.

Approximately 4,000 international and domestic oil and gas company platforms now sit in the Gulf of Mexico, all leased to PRIVATE multinational and/or domestic corporations on supposedly Federal offshore waters, all accidents waiting to happen. Approximately 400 of the 4000 wells are in DEEP(ER) waters. Approximately 1/3 or so of the fuel from the Gulf actually goes for US consumption. I do not know to whence goes the remainder. These companies are there because it is profitable. Pure and simple. Take away profit and they no longer would be there. The issue of offshore drilling evaporates along with their oil, gas and profit.

Finally, Greek's MILITANT, Communist led Opposition, Resistance, labor unions and WWII Partisans, UNITED FRONT, hit a home run on Thursday of this past week with a baseball that flew clear out of the ball park.
This is not the first inning in the game, however.
And, not the last one.
So, it is necessary to preserve, build, defend and expand.
Definitely, FEAR is eminent in NAZI ranks.
The stock market has responded accordingly lower and with trepidation.
So, as usual, international FASCISM AND NAZISM meets over the weekend in Europe to regroup and confront their new, unexpected source of challenge.

And, some more Greek photos from another source:


Before signing off, bidding adieu, I could not resist one last link about Hamid Jafar's burgeoning UAE based Dana Gas empire, octopus, network, conglomerate. An interview with Dana Gas CEO below. I often say, he who laughs last, laughs best, and, for sure, HAMID JAFAR and his associates, DANA GAS,, LAUGHS AT YOU ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK:


Rather than choke and vomit alone on all the above, I thought I would share it so others in cyberspace can join with me. Misery loves company. Spread it around like margarine.

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