“Just because we have the best hammer does not mean that every problem is a nail…This weekend, Ukrainians voted by the millions. Yesterday, I spoke to their next president. We don’t know how the situation will play out, and there will remain grave challenges ahead, but standing with our allies on behalf of international order, working with international institutions, has given a chance for the Ukrainian people to choose their future — without us firing a shot.”
— President Barack Obama, West Point, May 28, 2014
— President Barack Obama, West Point, May 28, 2014
Regarding Ukraine AND my heading, I lift, reproduce, a handy dandy illustration from Helmer's website above, link below, simply because I find it fun:
Meanwhile, a small Ukraine retrospective, reminder, beginning with a previous post, below, and, if you care to work backwards perusing other entries I think you will find all and more prognostications rapidly coming to fruition:
As part of above power equation, big Ukraine and Mideast squeeze, NAZI PARTNERED PUTIN THUG REGIME GUARANTEES MORE DEAD ARABS, carnage, with his and a purchased UN China veto, vote, regarding War Crimes and SYRIA.
War Crimes, of course, in itself, being a cynical NAZI joke.
But, I remind everyone, ALL GO DOWN TOGETHER HOLDING HANDS with, denying, pretending, a NAZI IRAN/KRG HOSTILE, BRUTAL, PUPPET, IRAQ OCCUPATION, annexation, regime does NOT exist, expanding to/with SYRIA.
OPEN secret, of course.
Only two militaries, armies, exist in this region, EGYPT AND TURKEY, which CAN, and, I believe, ultimately, MUST intervene, invade, purge, challenge, overturn a regional applecart, saving and LIBERATING themselves from a growing external plague and superimposed nightmare.
Otherwise, ALL to be gobbled up, consumed, by a raging inferno, vortex of escalating violence.
To conclude on hammer theme, most everyone here dead as a doornail anyway, bludgeoned by a similar hammer, comatose, like their propped up economic system in which all nominally live, but, do NOT "thrive," more appropriately, survive.
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