Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The trajectory below is abundantly clear.

Yemen military expenditures reported from January 2010 below already implemented and INCREASED.
The following does NOT include, itemize, additional COVERT operations in Yemen.
A sizable amount.

Likewise, in Lebanon.

And, of course, we have an ongoing not so covert operation in NAZI created Aryan Iran at the moment, as well:

All the above happening in response to the following.
Thanks to our inveterate Iraqi roving eye and freelance reporter for the excellent, detailed English language news roundup:

I will add alittle something additional to the above.
I have been following Mr. 5% of former IPC (Iraq Petroleum
Company) fame, Gulbenkian and Canada's Heritage Oil owner since their arrival in Kurdistan and its/their/his partnership with the mysterious, murky "Eagle Group of Iraq," presumably, Talabani and his KRG.
Heritage has gone through a number of twists, turns and permutations since arriving on the Iraq scene, including British mercenary Tony Buckingham's relatively recent acquisition of Heritage and Morgan Cazenove as Heritage advisers.
So, this is the latest development, a telling one, in a long sequencing of events:

And then the following report, with necessary spin, of course, regarding a possible deal, compromise, anointing Allawi Iraq PM, being, of course, the Mashhadani, MECATAC, Clinton circle I highlighted and forecast previously.
IF this turns out to be accurate, which I suspect, Iraq REMAINS still a MUCH contested battleground over prized territory, influence, energy contracts, revenue distribution, PRIVATIZATION.
For ALL who predicate and define EVERYTHING regarding Iraq on Iran as THE nub, heart, key problem, what will they now do/say about a Fascist Allawi, instead of Maliki, Iraq PM and its ongoing privatization?
Will they hang up their bags, quit, declare victory and go home??
Obviously not.
No matter which way one slices the Middle East pie/cake, it is a state of perpetual war, contested battleground.
For every hole plugged in the proverbial Iraq dike, another pops open:

Meanwhile, Afghanistan continues its diversionary side show status (WE did create the Fascist mercenary Taliban with Pakistan ISI and BCCI in the first place), AND, as well, it is the Eastern military front of NAZI Aryan Iran/Persia, which everybody conveniently forgets.

Already some high level NAZI Aryan Iran Revolutionary Guard assassinations indicating deep penetration and infiltration emanating from NAZI Aryan Iran's Eastern flank.

On Iraq/Iran's northern borders, an ongoing domestic battle continues, ensues, intensifies between Turkey's pseudo-Islamic NAZI AKP, "whose passion is to sell off and out state enterprises," partnered with Ahmadimoron, against Turkey's military and labor opposition, while the EU dissolves into militant labor strikes and opposition stretching from their southern shores, Turkey, Greece to Germany, France, Spain to Dutch government collapse, Iceland and Ireland.
And re-emergent Imperial NAZI Germany, the 800 pound gorilla roaming about Euroland, MAY not bail out Greek's NAZI government after all, but, instead, defer to the IMF!
On that subject, I found myself laughing, entertained, at the suggestion in #2 of the COMMENT SECTION, below, regarding NAZI German war reparations to GREECE!
Do not hold your breath, although, I am sure Merkel and Company gasped for air in horror at the very thought:

Here's another report about the same Greek/German flap suggested above:

And, then, the Balkans and Caucasus geography remains contested space, as well.
And, then, China and then...

But, the BIG BANG, the spark igniting this tinderbox remains Iraq/Iran represented above.

A current flurry of diplomatic activity hard at work lining up their international ducks for this eventuality, which is why the Allawi proposition floated above most likely is accurate.
Oh, yes, almost forgot.
Noticeably TWO countries missing from the above action report.
First, United Suckers and Assholes Alice-in-Wonderland Through the Looking Glass Darkly NAZI Citigroup/Exxon/Morgan CIA slave boy Obooma Dictatorship
BECAUSE they/we still have, as yet, NO PRINCIPLED, organized, unified class opposition and response thanks to our collaborative, criminal, Fascist led labor unions, their pension fund investments and fake, bogus, ersatz, manufactured Left.
Second conspicuously missing in action, Russia and all former Soviet Union countries.
Thanks, again, to John Helmer for this visual masterpiece below and historical reminder.

I always loved their banners, agitprop and art work:

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