Thursday, May 8, 2008


From the following to Obama.
A roundup, an update.
First, from Pakistan's May Day events, photos at the bottom of this excellent report:

Then, on Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood, "Demystifying the Muslim Brotherhood":

With much too many events occurring in Turkey, just one highlight from the ongoing, extensive, enormous, historic battle against the Islamic AKP government, an article dealing with union rejection of IMF demands and social security reform, (more elsewhere on their websites, of course):

Further, in Lebanon and what was to have been their General Strike. Again, much too much to select just one article.
Peruse the following website and many, many others:

Layla has a piece, as well:

But, I want to emphasize, as SOME reports do, that Lebanon's union movement, it's potent potentiality and General Strike was overwhelmed and manipulated by Hezbollah's destructive tactics and divisiveness, which is the inclusive purpose of ALL of the above, from the Muslim Brotherhood to the AKP to Iran to Lebanon to Pakistan and, then, onwards to Obama's campaign in the US.
Obama's Republican, corporate financed, Karl Rove, mafia strategized campaign plays a domestic ROLE similar to any and all of the above, encompassing Sadr, i.e, the great uniter is the great divider, the papier mache, ersatz, candidate.
Obama might as well have Sadr or the Muslim Brotherhood running on the same ticket with him for Vice-President and label it "change or opposition." By the time the Democratic Obama campaign gets to the General Election, IF he/it does get the nomination, after all, he/they/the Democratic campaign's candidate is going to look like a piece of swiss cheese.
There's going to be a stampede, a mass exodus, out of the Democratic Party, and, this is how and why McCain will win, as I've said all along.
The Democrats will be decimated.
Everything, I repeat, everything, one reads or hears about the Obama campaign is as much fiction and fantasy, the opposite, as that which is reported about the above, or, in the case of the US, NOT reported at all, and, certainly, NOT supported by America's fake, foundation, corporate sponsored Left, who serve the same purpose domestically as they do abroad.
The US, Republican, Karl Rove, corporate, mafia strategists cleverly figured out a loophole in the Democratic primary system into which they could insert their papier mache, ersatz candidate, Obama.
If the Democratic primary system operated the same as the Republican one, a winner take all policy, Hillary would have gotten the nomination A LONG TIME AGO.
But, the Republican, corporate, mafia strategists cleverly, successfully, exploited a strategic loophole in the Democratic Primary proportional delegate system, with a stampede of what's called crossover voting (Republicans and Independents can vote in Democratic primaries) in EARLY STATES and racial exploitation and co-optation, which is why they selected a relatively unknown black candidate.
The states in which Hillary won, for the most part, are, indeed, THE MAJOR players, the larger states, who DO decide the electoral outcome in the General Election AND utilize standard voting procedures for primaries, and last minute crossover voting does not occur.
Thus, they are much more difficult primaries to manipulate than the other states whose bizarre system is very lax and open ended, to say the least, wide open for manipulation.
Further, in almost all the states Hillary did win, her campaign was outspent by Obama by a margin of 2 or 3 to 1.
Yet, she still won.
The "agent of change," Obama, is supported financially by just about every reactionary, right wing and corporate entity and individual under the sun.
And, then, I and others have to watch the hypocrisy of Obama's grinning face plastered on TV screens as he spouts platitudes with a choreographed backdrop of an almost lilly white audience holding signs that simply say, "Change,' on them!!
This, we are told, is great oratory!!
Of course, he's supported by the equally corrupt, mafia union, Andy Stern's SEIU, whose motto is also the amorphous, "Change to Win." Change what and how to win what?
Never clarified.
And, race has become THE central issue in the Obama campaign because it has been exploited and manipulated to propel his campaign forward, since his campaign represents nothing, absolutely nothing.
The fake Left simply says it's progressive to vote for him and racist to criticize or not vote for him.
The backlash against ALL these nasty, dirty tactics and insults to people's intelligence, is, as I said, going to be a mass exodus out of the Democratic Party and a McCain victory.
I can't even begin to explain the background and all the many reasons for the antipathy, vitriol, hatred, rage, anger at the moment.
The Obama campaign is cannibalizing its own Party.
But, for those who understand the dynamics and role of the pseudo Islamic groupings and parties, above, it's not a difficult stretch to understand the role, purpose, dynamics of the Obama campaign.
Just look for a common, tactical denominator.
The real victor under these circumstance, however, should, could and will be Independent and Third Party candidates, such as Ralph Nader and whomever else finally winds up with the Green Party candidacy, or any other smaller parties, as well.
These parties will not, of course, win the General Election in our rigged, winner take all process, but, they can, at least, provide a place to go for the "protest vote" and the stampede, disgust, nausea, hatred emanating out from all of the above.
Meanwhile, in the context of the backlash, above, another very significant, important development has occurred.
Russia has agreed to sanctions against Iran:

I do not know if this represents a deal with the US and Europe, a quid pro quo, for something else, especially since the military escalation in Georgia-Abkhazia appears to be increasing, as well as just about everything else related to Russia and Gazprom.
However, as I've said, many times in my previous entries, from "mopping up" on, forward, a general regional backlash exists to the negative role, ramifications, results, and destabilization that these pseudo Islamic front groupings from the AKP in Turkey, Sadr and the Iranian backed militias in Iraq, the Muslim Brotherhood, Ahmadimidget and his Mullahs in Iran, Pakistan, and other pseudo-religious, reactionary, Fascist front groupings elsewhere, from Hezbollah to Hamas, have served.
Their destabilization has now become a counterproductive factor to regional, economic integration, expansion, growth and privatization, the very purpose of the Iraq invasion, war and occupation.
Thus, these groupings must be contained, liquidated, transformed and/or eliminated, i.e, mopping up.
I would think this is equally true for Russia, independent of any and all other considerations.
I cannot envisage anything Russia gains by greater regional destabilization, strife, conflict, disintegration, power struggles, sectarianism and militarization on its doorstep.
I should think this is in Russia's self-interest, if no other reason, pure and simple.
In this context, in addition to the World Economic Forum opening shortly in Egypt about which I commented and all else in a previous post, the US-Arab Economic Forum in Washington just began, as well:

There are simple, pure, straightforward economic reasons why 'mopping up" happens.
It's not mysterious.
JP Morgan and their international private associates represented above trumps all else, including Iran's Mullahs and militias.

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