Monday, April 26, 2010


The writer, below, asks an important labor/class question:
referring to former SEIU President, Andy Stern [the Stern Gang] and CEO of Massey Coal Mine, Don Blankenship.

By the way, IF others could HEAR what I hear from MANY people such as that recounted below, it would amplify and reamplify the following many times over, ad nauseum.
A cacophony of voices would accompany this one example.
However, I will add just one comment to this otherwise fine, excellent critique.
The rhetorical question posed below "what is the difference" is, that, the latter, Blankenship, consistently represents private capital interests whereas the former, Stern, HYPOCRITICALLY AND CYNICALLY PRETENDS to represent LABOR but in reality OPERATE FOR PRIVATE CAPITAL.
The difference as that our unions directly CONTROL the class institutions and resources of organized labor as a whole and purports to speak in behalf of their class interests.
That's the OTHER BIG DIFFERENCE and WHY NO unified, militant opposition exists here UNTIL AND UNLESS this power relationship inverts, CHANGES, morphs, is CONFRONTED and CHALLENGED.
And, again, this is NOT a coincidental or accidental situation, but, an intentionally well planned and executed policy since the end of WWII so labor institutions and their vast resources and dues which go into Democratic Party coffers and pension funds into private corporations are controlled, neutralized, neutered, co-opted, to aid, assist and partner with NAZI/Fascist global counter-revolution, such as our most recent NAZI Citigroup/Exxon/Morgan Obooma Dictatorship's big TAX GIFT, GIVEAWAY, BOONDOGGLE, DEBT, HEALTH INSURANCE HEIST with NOT one militant, unified voice, action, opposition from our labor institutions raised!
The following comment is part of a labornotes conference this past weekend, as you will see at their website AND, I might add, as PART of this conference, labor's ongoing, long, international covert arm, our AFL-CIA's USLAW, US Labor Against War (FOR Anti-Communism, Privatization and Counter-Revolution etc.) is well represented, in attendance.
(For anyone unfamiliar with Blankenship, I will provide a random footnote following below):


And a footnote regarding Blankenship:


Also, one can notice an eerie silence on labor's part regarding Greece.
Not one word, utterance, action and/or recognition of direct support and solidarity with GREEK labor and their current RESISTANCE!!
You people SUCK!
You really stink to high heaven.
You turn my stomach in the same way as hearing and seeing NAZI Obooma and/or ANY other of our current crop of NAZI/Fascist media, government pundits, apologists and representatives.
It is, they are, debased, defaced, debauched, graven, deplorable and sickening beyond words.

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