Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I thought I would continue my somewhat humorous, satirical trajectory from today's earlier entry, just below this one, with an introductory salvo from the 1970s Saturday Night Live ORIGINAL TV cast apropos of the subject matter following.

For those unfamiliar with it, unfortunately, very few broadcasts of the fantastic, superlative, INITIAL SNL weekly TV program are available on youtube from which to choose.
But, I found this one, which more or less does a satisfactory job to introduce the links below.

So, first, from SNL:



And, now, flowing from the above, a toast to the world's suckers and assholes from here to the Middle East to Europe to eternity for making the following possible.
I really have to laugh.
It is a joke.

This stuff cannot be MORE IN YOUR FACE.
I cannot understand why I am NOT invited to their soirees, celebratory, social gatherings, jubilees, etc.
I certainly could join with them in a toast to the wonderful, glorious stupidity of ALL the world's WILLINGLY, VOLUNTARILY, suicidal, self-destructive suckers, assholes, whores combined who help make it all happen.
They certainly deserve recognition and a toast for their many accomplishments.
Without them, where would they/we be, below.
A note of thanks, appreciation, gratitude is in order.
So, I am doing it FOR THEM, since they seem to be ungracious about acknowledging their appreciation.
So, thank you all for your many sacrifices in order that we, below, can perpetuate, expand and enjoy our worldly splendor and wealth while you attain yours in the hereafter, perhaps.
Now, suckers and assholes, you can glance around the following, open the FILE links provided within, and peruse for the usual cast of characters, names and places.
Occasionally, there are some new names TO ME, like, for example, Haissam Arabi, mentioned below.
Did not know about him before.
So, first:

"Prospectus: Gulfmena Arab Opportunity Fund Limited":



And, then, "Bank of Alexandria Fixed Income Fund":



And, then, see my earlier post from today...

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