Saturday, April 24, 2010


It's been reported after NAZI Citigroup/Exxon/Morgan Obooma Dictatorship TRASHED our PUBLICLY, taxpayer funded NASA space exploratory program in favor of PRIVATE corporate development, that our NAZI military launched a new space vehicle the purpose of which remains unidentified and mysterious.
My personal HUNCH, it MAY have something to do with laser and/or microwave space weapons.
If you follow the link below, it gives some POSSIBILITIES.
These programs have been known for some time and are not secret.
But, for what or which purposes the space vehicle was launched specifically nobody knows for sure.
All "up in the air":


Meanwhile, more political theatre as
loudmouth, indicted, mafia, former Illinois Democratic Governor, Blagojevich, whose trial FINALLY promises to open shortly, threatens to drag, subpoena, NAZI Citigroup/Exxon/Morgan CIA slave boy Obooma into court to testify.
All, of course, is political posturing, partisanship, maneuvering, timed to coincide with November's midterm elections, already promised to be a bloodbath for our resident NAZI Citigroup/Exxon/Morgan DICTATORSHIP.

HOWEVER, I will be more than happy to see NAZI trash can and SCUMBAG Obooma and his entire retinue hauled into court for partisan purposes since NO OTHER OPPOSITION EXISTS!

And, finally, more from Iraq's ongoing Secret Prisons, Torture and latest episode in NAZI Aryan Iran "Freedom Fighters."
Aside from WWII NAZIS, do not these exquisite, LEARNED, ACQUIRED torture techniques and disappearing bodies remind you/one of the more infamous, post WWII counter-revolutions and coups, namely, Chile's Allende, orchestrated by US Pentagon Plans Officer and former NAZI German General Fritz Kraemer and his star pupil, protege, Henry Kissinger of Kissinger Associates and NSC fame, etc.:


And, since Al-Rubaie's name was mentioned in the post/link above, I will refer BACK to a post I did about Rubaie in December 2008 AND October 2007 which gives meaning to that slightly modified old maxim, "one can judge a person, or country or government or institution, by the company they keep":


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