BP and US
BP's Atlantic Gulf crude oil catastrophe continues spewing forth its toxic venom UNABATED.
Streaming out along with it equal BP LIES.
Along with US Administration filth and more LIES.
Below a good estimate how much crude REALLY is flowing into the Atlantic on a daily basis.
Whatever BP does at the moment hardly makes a dent.
Window dressing and PR.
I fully expect BP to declare what's called Chapter 11 bankruptcy relatively SOON, within months, legal maneuvering to mitigate it's responsibility for the multibillion, trillion dollar litigation to follow which will drag on for our extended lifetimes combined.
No amount of money can replace an ecological system, marine species, fauna, beaches, OCEANS, LIVES, A PLANET once damaged and lost forever!
These are NOT replaceable, industrial parts.
And, then, BP assets sold or merged.
Quite likely, Exxon or Shell.
THE parasitical energy multinational, par excellence, of course.
Do you really believe BP assets will be nationalized, seized here??
Thanks to our collaborative labor unions, we can not even get universal, national single-payer medical insurance, much less a national, public, oil/gas energy grid or a coordinated, national response and state of emergency to an unparalleled natural catastrophe.
Anyway, below is a reputable estimate of the amount of crude streaming into our Atlantic Gulf with TONS of info available elsewhere about what is and is not happening, containment attempts, pockets of crude toxic sludge dispersing itself deep beneath the water's surface for hundreds, and, probably, thousands of miles and, what I am quite sure, will ultimately take a route polluting the greater Atlantic Ocean and perhaps show up in Europe and/or Africa at some point.
The Atlantic Gulf crude gusher is much, much MORE than an isolated, single national environmental catastrophe.
It is a chilling, frightening, national AND international, global NIGHTMARE.
The ecological, natural and economic repercussions are astronomical, unfathomable, exponential and MAY finally be the proverbial nail in the coffin that overwhelms and brings this entire government, system, civilization and their private international oil and gas companies down with it/them:
And on the other side of the ocean, another, much related, Middle East Iraq/Iran/Israel/Turkey WAR and energy front scenario.
From previous posts, it appears a contentious Israel/US development I have been following since May 20th continues, like our Gulf gusher.
Elsewhere in the article BELOW it asserts "vassal/client," like US waters and land, here, Israel offshore gas will be EXPORTED to Europe.
Gas is not even discussed here, despite the fact it is CENTRAL both to domestic and overseas energy expansion.
Of course, this is the greatest United States of Plausible Denial.
MY emphasis in BOLD:
"...Raising royalties on licenses that have already been given out for oil and gas exploration is a "terrible thing that can cause damage that it will be impossible to repair," said Delek Group Ltd. (TASE:DLEKG) controlling shareholder Yitzhak Tshuva today...
....The ceremony took place against the backdrop of a fierce argument over the government's desire to raise the royalties collected on gas revenue..."
Our bogus, fake, manufactured, subsidized Opposition along with their unions continue their same old, diversionary, empty rhetoric, garbage, bullshit.
Since they are paid to do so, neither manage to find Iraq's raging daily inferno, barbaric and horrific bloodbath nor European opposition to state budget cuts AND PRIVATIZATION, the very same which is being foisted upon the greater Middle East and everywhere else.
Instead, here, we get a trillion or so dollar taxpayer corporate bonanza, gift, giveaway, socialized debt, NO national single-payer medical insurance system and all above.
And, it's called PROGRESSIVE!!
But, as I say above, we/they are sinking RAPIDLY into the abyss with each and every passing day and opportunity squandered, lost.
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