Monday, June 14, 2010


It so happens our toilet paper NY TIMES featured an article today, apparently, regarding Afghanistan's mineral wealth as if it represents a new discovery.
Total rubbish, as usual.

So, I thought I would reproduce EXACTLY AS IT APPEARED one out of many posts I did on my PREVIOUS, now blocked initial, karlmarxwasright, blog which mentions, amongst other items, ONE important mine in Pakistan, near the border of Afghanistan, Iran in Balochistan.
Of course, STILL remaining, as yet, the unfinished TAP (Turkmen-Afghan-Pakistan) gas pipeline, to which I refer below.
ALSO, following my reproduced 2007 post, at the end, I thought I would link to a short video to show HOW our Business Channel presented the NY Times information, including an interview from October, 2009 with General Patraeus speaking about Afghanistan's mineral wealth.
So, first, from:
November 06, 2007:

Dana Gas, Islamic Finance, Pakistan, Why "we" Fight and Die

Here's the latest in the Dana Gas saga:

Since Pakistan happens to be much in the news, at the moment, I'll refer readers back to my blog from May 27, 2006, which connects Dana Gas, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Islamic Finance and more:*NOTE

(*NOTE*The preceding link, above, no longer works, blocked from public access. So, I did the same as now. I reproduced the entry, above):


In addition, of course, regarding Pakistan, the infamous TAP pipeline, as yet unbuilt for "security reasons," but, endorsed by the ADB (Asia Development Bank), AND, something else about which everyone might not be aware, an enormous copper-gold mine in Western Pakistan, which sits, apparently, on the border between Iran and Afghanistan in Balochistan:

Antofagasta, mentioned in the preceding article, a partner with Canada's Barrick, in case you are unfamiliar with the name, is a Chilean company.
After my previous May 27, 2006 blog, above, many times, I've linked to the following Pakistani resistance website:

Consequently, one can expect no diminished funds or support for Pakistan's "war on terror," either with the US hand picked candidate, Bhutto, or Musharraf.
The US likes to have its Fascist dictatorships elected.
So, here comes Bhutto, and, most likely, more Fascist "Islamists" in government, like Turkey's AKP, "whose passion is to sell state enterprises," Iranian Islamic Fascists in Iraq's government, the GCC, etc.
Lots of Islamists, lots of Fascists.
Returning to Dana Gas.
Dana, of course, is a newly minted privatized international company, but, it appears to be a contender/competitor with Russia's state company, Gazprom.
So, the following article about Dana Gas, replicated numerous times:

In addition, a $200 million LNG terminal is scheduled to be built in Karachi, Pakistan with a Dana Gas consortium.
The following link has much more information than merely the LNG terminal, which is why I chose it, but, Pakistan's/Dana Gas LNG terminal information is available on page 9 of a 12 page report on Islamic Finance:

Following the rise and development of so-called "Islamic" Finance from previous blogs, "DIFC [Dubai International Finance Center] Welcomes Institute of Private Investors at Landmark Forum":

Further, at this past weekends Istanbul Conference concerning Iraq, apparently, the 57-member Organization of Islamic Conference, OIC, has agreed to establish representation in Iraq.
Another blog entry, a different one, reminds everyone of the flip side of this coin, both literally and figuratively, "Drink It," (a note, after reading the blog entry see the comment section below it, approximately half way down, a response from Layla Anwar, beginning with the sentence, "Hello Amir & thanks for writing..." for a good, concise, numbered, 18 point factual roundup):

Anyway, these are the folks, above, and the system for whom EVERYONE else dies and fights, the hired help, expendable and cannon fodder.
Even those who think they are well paid off, in comparison, remain the compliant and willing tools, enablers, in an obscene economic system predicated on maintaining and expanding, by all and any means necessary, a formalized, legal, structural fantasy of private, personal individual ownership over the globe's natural resources and social production, logically and conceptually which extends to slavery and wage slavery.
Lastly, altho the following subject regarding the former Yugoslavia and the Ustaha MIGHT appear tangential to the subject matter of my preceding blog, as anyone can/will see, it is not and necessitates urgent inclusion, (be sure to note the photos):

END 2007 POST.

And, now, as promised, today's CNBC video, also a combination of fact and lots of SPIN, propaganda, each in their own way but never a true, complete, accurate story:


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