Abundant reports and photos emanating from today's Greek General Strike available on the many websites/blogs I listed previously.
I chose out of all the photos available ONLY this one below because it represents to me a VERY IMPORTANT POLITICAL statement regarding class solidarity.
It is from Athens Indymedia website, which has much more, along with:
Below today's photo, in contrast, I juxtaposed a REPRINT from a September, 2008 post I did which is JUST as true, and, more so now, as then, prior to our predetermined, NAZI Citigroup/Exxon/Morgan Presidential Fuhrer, Hitler Youth Rallies and s-election in November, 2008:
από απο 5:47μμ, Πέμπτη 11 Μαρτίου 2010

A recap from my September 28, 2008 post:
A SHORT, by no means comprehensive, list of what we will NOT get from ANY of the twin Fascist Parties:
NO universal, single payer health care, whatsoever.
NO expansion, nationalization and public ownership of ANY of our worthwhile productive assets, heavy industries and natural resources.
NO guaranteed, expanded, universal, free, comprehensive lower and higher education program.
NO small tax, (.0001, that's 4 digits after the decimal point, for example), on every single financial transaction of private stocks and shares sold and bought on any and all stock markets throughout the US. (This, alone, would generate ENORMOUS monies based on volume traded every day).
NO guarantee of a full employment economy, based on all of the above and a reduced work week plus early, voluntary retirement.
NO guaranteed annual income.
NO guarantee of our limited, Social (in)Security quasi-retirement insurance system, it's expansion and monetarization beyond it's present pauper status, and, correspondingly,
NO diminution or end to our Fascist union/labor policies to recycle and invest their workers pension monies into private, multinational, profit making, corporations.
NO nationalization of ALL industries related to defense and certainly, in conjunction,
NO decrease in our privatized, highly, lucrative, profitable Defense Industry, completely, 100% financed by working class taxpayer monies.
NO comparable decrease, withdrawal of global, military bases and expenditures throughout the globe, whose sole purpose is to expand and defend private capital, such as Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, et.al.
NO elimination of all personal income tax for individuals, couples, families, with combined incomes less than $50,000 and a GRADUATED, FLAT tax rate on combined income over $50,000. NO deductions, NO itemization.
NO nationalization of our money supply and elimination of our PRIVATIZED, Federal Reserve system.
NO increase in the minimum wage to a decent living standard.
NO permanent elimination and prohibition of the many and numerously flavored, speculative, manipulative, abstract, exotic financial tools, such as short selling, derivatives, hedge funds, etc., which is one of the main reasons for our present liquidity crisis. As a matter of fact, they will be expanded throughout the globe and particularly the Middle East.
NO offshore funds, corporations, ownership and tax havens.
I repeat, the above is just for starters.
Whenever and wherever you see "NO," above, substitute the reverse policy and you will have a good idea of what we presently have and will continue to get.
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