Saturday, November 28, 2009


Everybody, PERHAPS, may have noticed that the GCC Dubai speculative bubble collapse coincided with a holiday weekend both here and in the Middle East.
Of course, nobody, except those in the know, here, understood its significance.
The "average" Joe Schmo hasn't an inkling what Dubai's collapse means and could care less, as long as it does NOT affect him/her/them.
Of course, it DOES affect them all.
But, they know not.

The collapse comes not as a complete surprise, since I have been documenting these OPEN secrets, the GCC Dubai speculative bubble, broadcast, advertised, encouraged investment frenzy, for years, now, which everybody conveniently chose to ignore.
So, the Bubble collapse was not exactly a surprise, but, the timing and announcement was a carefully planned event.

HOWEVER, ANOTHER, ADDITIONAL MAJOR factor contributing to our overall, general despair, malaise, dislocation, economic, political and military instability, upheaval and impacting on events in Dubai, NOT mentioned, here, at least, is the Middle East escalating war, conundrum, showdown.

India's new government, bought in on the heels of Mumbai's previously arranged, coordinated terror attack, was just courted and feted by our US NAZI Dictatorship and voted for UN sanctions against NAZI Iran AND then India is invited to invest in Iraq:

Related to the above and ALL I have been following, another hair raising report about Iraq and NAZI Iran:

There will be NO peace, NO justice, NO resolution in the Middle East, or anywhere else, for that matter, unless and until EVERYONE STOPS collaborating, denying, excusing, apologizing, rationalizing ANY of the ABOVE realities and parties, participants, interests.
The ONLY possible chance to change course, alter direction is through acknowledgement.

As such, as in most everything else about which I write, including the former USSR, we are rushing headlong into a collective self-destruct path, a cul-de-sac of no return, an abyss of barbaric, primitive, inhumane proportions, NAZI terror, horror, atrocities and ultimate historical oblivion.
I can not help but hearing the words of J. Robert Oppenheimer's quote resonating in my mind:
"Now, I am become Death..."

As a country, a people, a nation, A WORLD HUMANITY, we have ALL allowed ourselves, allowed THEM, to turn back the clock, to return us to the bottom of the historical abyss, to expand THEIR short term greed, profit, immediate personal aggrandizement and opportunism.
An addict does and can not change, cure, solve his/her/their behaviour unless and until they first ACKNOWLEDGE their addiction.
Truth is imperative. And, then, actions based on fact not fiction.

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