Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The Middle East arms bazaar and buildup I have been documenting for some time now is noted, finally, by a FEW people other than myself, here.
Below is a SAMPLE of what I mean:

And, coincidentally, our surrogate, proxy, Iran/US/Arab/Saudi/Yemen war escalates, spirals or descends into oblivion, chaos, human disaster, depending on your perspective.

The Guardian of London, amongst others, have numerous articles about the Yemeni WAR, fighting and its escalation.
So, I figured I would add just this one link for our United Suckers and Assholes morons:

"Jordan Sends Commandos to Join War on [Yemen] Houthi Fighters":

I will provide further background reminder, refresher link, about the numerous competing economic interests in Yemen, as a footnote, below.
Meanwhile, predictably, Iraq's on and off again election is on or off, depending on which time and day one reads the reports.
It appears to be off, again.
Really makes no difference either way.
The escalating, spiraling Big Bang Baghdad/KRG/Iran showdown, mopping up, regime change, intractable conundrum, handwriting is on the wall.
And, correspondingly, Iraq's presumed negotiated oil contracts keep changing along with the shifting MidEast sands, depending upon day, time, recent developments and circumstances.

Here, for example, are but two links about British African mercenary, Tony Buckingham's Heritage Oil/KRG partnership and Heritage's sale of their African Uganda interests to Italy's ENI.
Recall, Heritage advised by Morgan Cazenove.
And, Heritage potential merger with Turkey's Genel Energy meanwhile dissolved.

Of course, Turkey's crypto, psuedo NAZI Islamic AKP allied with Iran's present NAZI Islamic government and Heritage's KRG receives NO money from Iranian Baghdad Oil Minister, Shahristani, Mullah Sistani's son-in-law, in the ongoing disputes over oil contracts, authority and Kirkuk presently:


And, for more on the OBVIOUS showdown and intractable conflicts regarding Iran's Baghdad Oil Minister and Mullah Sistani's son-in-law, Shahristani, here's one of the latest on that:\2009-11-23\kurd.htm

The main theatre of war continues above unabated, which is why almost NOTHING, little, if anything, gets said here about it.
Total and complete denial, disinformation, misinformation, silence, collaboration.
We ALL are immersed in an escalating Gulf/Middle East war that already is ENGULFING everyone and nobody here even knows it YET.
Instead, their attention is diverted and focused intentionally away to the Afghanistan side, another red herring.
The timing of the so-called decision whether or not to send troops to Afghanistan noticeably coincides with developments in Iraq/Iran, the Middle East, NOT the other way around.

And, then, we will find ourselves enGULFED in a much larger scenario that will encompass everyone and be a total, complete surprise to the myopic ostriches and collaborators, here.

Speaking of which, a reminder, below, about our forthcoming, traditional, Thanskgiving Day holiday, feast, dinner on November 26.
May you all choke on your food, which, coincidentally, is turkey:

And, footnote mentioned above regarding Yemen economic background:

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