Wednesday, October 28, 2009


BFF: Andy Stern and Rich Trumka, together again. Both the AFL-CIO and Change to Win backed a big protest rally outside the American Bankers Association conference in Chicago October 27. Photo: Jim West BFF: Andy Stern and Rich Trumka, together again. Both the AFL-CIO and Change to Win backed a big protest rally outside the American Bankers Association conference in Chicago October 27. Photo: Jim West.

Above photo from link below, with good comment underneath.
This is why I do NOT bother commenting repetitively any more than I already have on United Suckers and Assholes ONGOING, CONTINUED, FASCIST led, anti-Soviet, anti-Communist, fake, bogus, NON-EXISTENT organized, labor union leadership COLLABORATORS, non-opposition, wholesale sellout, selloff, capitulation, appeasement and opportunism depicted above.
And, of course, WHY we do NOT get national single payer health care, along with alot else.
They represent the dregs of humanity, the scum of the earth, along with their international partners in counter-revolution and privatization, the ENABLERS, mirror images of one another, represented in my post just below this one:



And, then, my post below...

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