Thursday, December 18, 2008


Turkey presently is bombing the PKK to smithereens and plans are underfoot for more coordinated, military escalation between the US and Turkey.

The following introductory paragraph on this subject reproduced from STRATFOR:

Turkey, U.S.: Talks Begin On PKK Committee
"December 18, 2008 0006 GMT
Talks are under way to determine the structure of a Turkish-U.S. joint committee on combating Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) rebels, Agence France-Presse reported Dec. 17, citing a Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman. Turkey and the United States in November agreed to set up the committee to track the PKK threat and take measures against the group's activities. The committee will start work "very soon," the spokesman said. Turkey expects the Iraqi government and northern Iraqi authorities to fulfill their promises to counter the PKK. Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari will visit Ankara in the coming days, he added."

The preceeding coincides with my previous blog entry about Heritage Oil exiting Kurdistan and who will determine Iraq's oil contracts, Baghdad or the KRG:

Meanwhile, following from the above, our fake, state sponsored Opposition and Left websites and persons in the US and elsewhere previously screaming most about the US bombing Iran, defending Ahmadimidget, or, Ahmadimoron, as I dub him, have taken a U turn and now, instead, I get information from these same sources on e-mail listserves about human rights problems in Iran, etc., criticisms of our other career, professional, hired opposition, Code Pink, suddenly chastized by these same individuals who have just recently discovered problems in/with Iran's Fascists.

Here's a sample of what I SUDDENLY RECEIVED about Iran, again, from a spokesperson in one of these e-mail "peacegroup" listserve:

Counteracting the above, Ahmadimoron's clandestine agents in the US in the misnomered, state sponsored and controlled peace movement are busy attacking Saudi Arabia, Obooma, Israel, the Sunnis and I guess whomever else they can find. Here's a sample of what I mean. Something I just received on the same so-called "peace group" listserve:

"Dear lovers of REAL peace on our imperiled planet,

The brave Iraqi TRUE HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST, who told Bush what needed to be said, should be cherished as a hero to humanity! His historic shoes are the inevitably logical "lemon" fruits that the "NON-INDIGENOUS tree of COLONIALLY-POISONED IMPOSED (from above) MODERNITY" has produced.
And...I don't see Barack HUSSEIN Obama as being able to make lemonade from such lemons! He may try to (or pretend to) make such "public diplomacy" lemonade, but this lemon is too bitter even for colonially-sweetened lemonade (the kind that keeps the likes of Saudi "Royal" family slavishly obedient), because the fertilizer/pesticide that helps keep this poisoned lemon tree growing, is manufactured by "the chosen people" in the "dual use" chemical plants located in the heart of Tel Aviv; and the mainly Sunni Arab Muslims who are supposed to continue to be the victimized "happy" consumers of this artificially-colored lemonade (and thus continue--per divide and conquer--to be fooled into thinking that the Persian Shia Muslims are their "existential enemies"), have developed colonially-resistant chronic diabetes from its pragmatic-looking genetically modified American "sugar.

Moji Agha

Then, I am including two links following BECAUSE the first one names Al-Rubaie, someone of significance about whom I wrote in my previous blog entry, but, whose existence and name generally goes unrecognized, here, except in official circles, like the CSIS. (See my recent blog from December 16 about Al-Rubaie and Muntadar: )

And, the second link below mentions Allawi, who visited Kuwait in early November with an official delegation.
I linked to the reported Allawi visit to Kuwait on my November 9, 2009 blog. On the Nov 9 entry, IN ADDITION I reported "A Big Deal," as my heading states. Iran SUSPENDS deliveries with Dana Gas. Both Heritage and Dana developments extremely important and very telling signs of coming events. (My Nov 9 entry:

Beyond the above, I am unable to assess the validity of the scenario suggested in the following links, below. I will have to leave that to others. At minimum, it is an indication of coming events that fits into the concept I am suggesting in previous blogs, an upcoming rearrangement of Iraq and Iran's so-called government, i.e., mopping up, congruency, coup/s, regime change. Whether or not this particular scenario, explanation as it is presented below is valid, I cannot assess.

One point I want to make perfectly clear.
Any Iraq/Iran coup/regime change represented by the individuals above is NOT about reconstituting the Baath Arab SOCIALIST Party, renationalizing anything in Iraq or anywhere else on the planet for that matter, anymore than "Change to Win" Obooma in the US represents progress. It is about the conundrum in which they find themselves vis-a-vis Iraq/Iran and their regional neighborhood.

And, finally, in case you may be confused as to why I entitled the blog, above, Iraq War #4, it is because I began counting number one, from the Western sponsored Iranian initiated aggression against Iraq in the early 1980s, then, second, direct Western aggression in the early 1990s with Bush Senior, then, third, our current aggression, and, now, fourth, military escalation one more time for mopping up, congruency, coup/regime change.

As for the inextricably intertwined unrecognized UAE, GCC role and speculative Bubble, etc., those developments continue rolling merrily along. More on that in a separate blog.
As well, questions about Russia. And, then, developments in Greece. All related.

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